Roundtable: Driving leadership action to Build Back Responsibly

With COVID-19 impacting the world over, the 75th United Nations General Assembly Week (UNGA) will be a key moment in the 2020 calendar for the world to focus on social and environmental challenges and accelerate collaborations to meet the Global Goals.

This roundtable is part of a series of virtual events, which Business in the Community (BITC) is running to elevate the conversation and drive action on how business can Build Back Responsibly.

Over the last month, we have been in conversation with over 100 business leaders and a further 500 practitioners and partners, to understand what Covid-19 has taught us about how we could turn ambitions into action. Now is our moment to not simply slip back to a new normal, seeing the last few months as a series of heroic acts, but instead to seize the opportunity to accelerate action. So to coincide with this year’s United Nations General Assembly week, we will be bringing together influential business leaders across our network to create faster, bolder, bigger action.

This event is by invite only. For more information, contact Elena Perez, BITC’s Events Manager, at [email protected]

Youth SDG Summit

As the largest youth generation in history, it’s time to step up. The 2030 Agenda clearly applies to all of the world’s 1.2 billion young people, who currently make up 16 per cent of the global population—and to the 1.3 billion young people who will call the world home by the year 2030.

During the 75th anniversary of the United Nations’ General Assembly, we are calling on youth around the world to action to acknowledge the work being done already for the Global Goals, and the work that is still left to be done. We are hosting the Youth SDG Summit to empower young leaders to continue their work toward the Global Goals. The Youth SDG Summit is invitation only.

The theme of day 1 of the Youth SDG Summit is For People.
The theme of day 2 is the Youth SDG Summit is For Planet.

Cross Sector Collaboration to Accelerate Sustainable Infrastructure

In partnership with Goal 17 Partners, the Guggenheim Sustainability Quotient will explore key insights from their research while presenting a path forward to deploy trillions of dollars in assets held by institutional investors to fund sustainable infrastructure projects around the world.

The Guggenheim Sustainability Quotient is a research-driven framework for transitioning sustainable infrastructure into an institutional asset class, developed in partnership with the world’s foremost academic institutions (Stanford University, Tufts’ Fletcher School), research and advocacy organizations (WWF, GIB), and infrastructure practitioners (CCR, KPMG, Mott MacDonald) to enable institutional investors to commit the capital needed to meet global infrastructure needs. Guggenheim and its partners have performed extensive research on best practices to foster the acceleration of sustainable infrastructure and do so in a way that addresses many of the social, economic, and environmental issues that are growing more acute in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Future of Sustainability: Creating Tipping Points through Collaboration

WBA and Forum for the Future will discuss how they can collaborate on practical action to drive the transformation needed to deliver the SDGs. This workshop will draw on insights generated for Forum’s 2020 Future of Sustainability report, due for launch October 14. The report explores the tipping points set to define the decade ahead, and highlights the pathways we are seeing emerge from the major discontinuity caused by COVID-19.

This workshop is invite only.

2021 YOUNGA Forum

The YOUNGA Forum is a pioneering annual global youth takeover event uniting young people with decision-makers using VR/XR technologies to co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world during the United Nations Decade of Action. Through an inclusive, forward-looking youth-driven dialogue, YOUNGA amplifies the youth voice, creating a global interactive and participatory platform for the hopes, concerns and ideas of young people to be seen and heard by the world’s top decision-makers.

Financially Solvent Utilities for Improved Energy Access

Financially Solvent Utilities for Improved Energy Access Energy is at the heart of achieving many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—from eradicating poverty through access to healthcare, education, and economic growth, to combating climate change through clean and green energy. Access to electricity, thus, goes hand in hand with sustainable development and improved wellbeing. Yet, an estimated 660 million people around the world (mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa) lack access to electricity.

Join us for a discussion on the financial challenges faced by utilities in making energy accessible to all.

Motorsport: The Unexpected Driver of Sustainable Transformation

This panel discussion explores how SDGs are the building blocks for the future of sport, how motorsport is the unexpected sport leading the way for sustainability and how organisations like Extreme E hope to provide a template for a climate positive future.

Scaling up Action: Collaborating for a Resilient Recovery

AB InBev will host an engaging panel discussion on actions needed to scale-up sustainable initiatives in a time of global uncertainty, and why a collaborative effort towards a resilient recovery is a moral imperative and an economic necessity.

Building Resilience: The Future of Protecting Global Health

A roundtable discussion convened by Reckitt to address the eco system of issues that have derived from the COVID pandemic and how next time we can collaborate more effectively to overcome them. With strong scientific evidence that pandemics will become more prevalent, learning from the impact on multiple parts of society will help us to increase our resilience.

Intersexions: Autonomy Around Sexual Health, Sexual Choices and Intimate Wellness

At Goals House, on the sidelines of New York City’s UN General Assembly Week, Reckitt will convene a high-level roundtable bringing together individuals who represent this culturally dynamic ecosystem enabling us to drive mutual understanding of the issues at hand, and proactively advocate for solutions to enable female/girls’ empowerment, redefine sex education, and celebrate autonomy over sexual choices.

The Overlooked Solution On Climate Change: Educating Girls

Goals House and Girl Rising will convene a panel discussion on how educating girls is a one of the most powerful tools in addressing global climate change and its unprecedented effects. The panel will focus on the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and the transformative impact of educating women.

Fashion Avengers Reception

Project Everyone and the Council of Fashion Designers of America are delighted to invite you to the US launch of Fashion Avengers.

After launching in the UK earlier this year, the Fashion Avengers will be convening across the pond for the very first time to celebrate UNGA and kick-off a week-long Global Goals activation on New York’s iconic 5th Avenue in partnership with the Fifth Avenue Association.

Sustainable Cities: Why living in a city is the most sustainable move you could make

With the climate crisis evolving at an alarming rate, major cities across the world are being forced to come to terms that they face potential extinction unless urgent action is taken. How can advances in technology help protect cities and their inhabitants and what can the world learn from established sustainable and smart cities? Moderated by The Guardian, this panel will convene industry leaders in a discussion reimagining smart, resilient and sustainable cities of tomorrow.

Financing the Future of SDGs: Uncovering the Contributions of International Financial Institutions

Bayer will be convening discussion drawing on the importance of partnerships and how businesses in the private sector can place the work they do with IFIs into their broader strategy in order to achieve SDG targets at a timely pace. The panel wants to highlight the power of partnerships and coalitions in financing the SDGs as well as provide a deep dive into what financing the future of SDGs looks like.