UNEP and Trees for Jane on their battle to save the Trees

This discussion provides a platform for the screening of “A Trillion Trees’’ – a new film produced by Jeff Horowitz and narrated by Dr. Jane Goodall.

Following this, to launch her new campaign, ‘Trees for Jane’, Jane will be joined by her co-founder Jeff Horowitz, and Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP, in a conversation centred around their ambitions for Trees for Jane and to address a broader conversation around trees as one of the solutions for climate change.

One Young World Documentary Launch

A documentary commissioned by Ovation TV, America’s only arts network, entitled The Young Leaders – One Young World Stories. This celebratory film charts the progress of six remarkable young leaders from across the world, all of whom have been supported by the organisation One Young World.

The film is being produced by Blue Planet Films; directed by Bruce Robertson.

The Power of Purpose: How business leadership can drive sustainability

Goals House and Bayer will convene a panel with partners from different sectors to discuss the power of purpose in business and the role of business in driving sustainable development and climate action. The panel will examine the role of purpose driven businesses and whether the global business community is up to the challenge of achieving the SDGs and who it needs to engage and partner with to deliver.

The Power of AI to Ensure Equity in Healthcare

At Goals House, Community Jameel, Wellcome and the MIT Abdul Latif Jameel Clinic for Machine Learning in Health (Jameel Clinic) will convene a high-level meeting of leaders to explore how we ensure the health care system itself benefits from advanced technologies now being used in all facets of health care, and the solutions they feel are necessary for future success

How COVID-19 is changing the way the world thinks about vaccines: lessons for the future of global health

This debate will explore the evolution of public sentiment around vaccines from before the pandemic to present day, and identify the most effective approaches adopted – from enhanced public perception and misinformation tracking to rapid message deployment – to build confidence in vaccines and promote uptake. Our speakers will consider which approaches deployed during the pandemic are applicable to other immunisation programmes and are sustainable long-term.

A cross-sector approach to vaccine equity

How can we end the COVID-19 pandemic and secure the global recovery? This question was at the top of the agenda during the G7 Summit in June. Three months on, a dangerous gap between richer and poorer nations persists. AB InBev will host a panel discussion exploring the role of public-private partnerships in tackling vaccine inequality and distribution disparities. Panellists will also discuss the devastating social and economic impacts of COVID-19, and the key priorities in building back better for all.

Conscious FinTech: Bridging the Global Inequality and Inclusion Gap

How can we harness the potential of FinTech to overcome barriers to financial inclusion and bridge the inequality gap? This panel will convene leading global experts, entrepreneurs and executives discussing how to leverage fintech as a force for good in shaping the post-Covid world.

Incurable Diseases: The use of innovation in the race for a breakthrough

Nicola Mendelsohn, Founder of the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation will be discussing with CNBC’s Tania Bryer, how through tech, research, and innovation we can tackle some of the world’s incurable diseases. This head-to-head on ‘Incurable diseases – the use of innovation in the race for a breakthrough’ will focus on the power of innovation in modern medicine, taking a look at case studies who have used tech, innovation and research to make breakthroughs.

Trees for Jane; saving our planet starts with me. A roundtable with Jane Goodall and the climate activists driving change

This session, hosted by Jane Goodall, will convene a group of youth climate activists to discuss the importance of trees and more specifically the importance of Trees for Jane. The group will discuss the protection, restoration and planting of trees, as a tangible solution to climate breakdown.

This discussion will look to rally the next generation of climate activists to take ownership of their environments, wherever they are in the world, through trees.

Unlocking Sustainable Solutions Through Financial Innovations in Water and Sanitation

On 22nd September Bloomberg’s Annmarie Hordern will moderate a head-to-head discussion between Water.org & WaterEquity Co-Founders Matt Damon & Gary White and Anne Finucane, Vice Chairman, Bank of America and Chair of Bank of America Europe. The discussion will explore how getting more capital into the hands of women and their families will be vital in securing long lasting sustainable solutions – and how businesses and NGO’s can unite to drive action on a common cause.

Strengthened Primary Health Care for Equitable Access to Vaccinations

Hosted by Southern Voice and the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), the objectives of this event are to explore mechanisms of equitable distribution of vaccines and to describe the benefits of improved primary health care pillars for vaccine delivery.

Camp 2030

Camp 2030 is a 6-day Innovation Lab, bringing together top Youth Leaders from across the globe for innovation and co-creation for the UN SDGs. During Camp, Changemakers work in teams to develop innovative and scalable solutions to critical global challenges. Following the event, they then receive further knowledge & resources to bring the innovations to life! Camp 2030 is available through application only, but final pitches may be open to the public. Check out our website for more info.

Global Citizen Festival

On September 24, Global Citizen will be hosting their 10 Year Anniversary Festival on the Great Lawn of Central Park, as well as in Accra, Ghana. This will be a mix of pop and policy to mobilize commitments to End Extreme Poverty NOW.

UN Private Sector Forum

At the start of the high-level opening week of the 77th General Assembly, the UN Private Sector Forum will convene Chief Executives and representatives from Governments, the UN and development agencies to address and align on an urgent and collective course of action in addressing cascading and interlinked global crises. To support the UN Secretary-General’s Global Crisis Response Group, global leaders at the Private Sector Forum will address the five-point renewable energy plan in the context of just transition, finance and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Goalkeepers 2022

Goalkeepers is dedicated to accelerating progress toward the Global Goals. Through powerful stories, data, and partnerships, we take a close look at how far we’ve come and where we’ve fallen behind. We celebrate leaders, energize citizens, hold governments accountable, and find solutions to improve the state of life for everyone.

Clinton Global Initiative 2022 Meeting

Apply to attend the next Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting in New York City from September 19-20, 2022. President Bill Clinton, Secretary Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton convene CGI to bring together leaders from business, government, and philanthropy to commit to take action on pressing global challenges.

Kick Off Reception – United Nations General Assembly

Coming back together after years apart, we are gathering with like-minded, action-oriented decision makers! From Davos, to the Cannes International Festival of Creativity, to UNGA, the Kick-Off Receptions have been a platform for optimists to create networks of support for collective action and convene with like-minded leaders that care to make a change happen. After such a difficult time, we look forward to coming back together and collaborating once again.

SDG Moment 2022

The SDG Moment serves to place an annual spotlight on the Sustainable Development Goals. It takes place as the world faces a deepening cost-of-living crisis that carries huge implications for the advancement of the SDGs, especially in developing countries. Convened by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the Moment will provide world leaders with a platform to showcase the bold actions and solutions that are needed to set the world on course towards achieving the SDGs. The SDG Moment event will set the scene and lead into the Transforming Education Summit, and is expected to build the momentum as we head towards the SDG Summit in 2023.

Transforming Education Summit

The United Nations Secretary-General is convening the Transforming Education Summit during the 77th UN General Assembly, on September 16 (Mobilization Day), 17 (Solutions Day) and 19 (Leaders Day). The Summit seeks to mobilize political ambition, action, solutions, and solidarity to transform education. This includes taking stock of efforts to recover pandemic-related learning losses; reimagining education systems for the world of today and tomorrow; and revitalizing national and global efforts to achieve SDG 4.