Impact Storytelling: Empathetic Leadership, Social Justice & Advocacy

The scale of human suffering and injustice requires us to question our humanity. How did we get here? How have we normalized injustice towards the world’s most vulnerable? Where do we go from here?

As the world gather during the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly and as partners to Global Goals Week, we invite you to join us to learn how to use transformative storytelling to shift the narrative and inspire action on critical social and political issues.

Through real-life stories of courage and purpose, Finding Humanity Podcast takes listeners into the heart of the most complex social and political issues facing our world. By bringing you voices from the front lines of war and injustice, we peel back the layers that surround today’s massive challenges to inspire the activist in each of us. Finding Humanity weaves insights from world leaders, human rights and development experts at leading institutions and United Nations officials, while providing listeners with tangible steps to make a difference. Finding Humanity is a joint production of the Humanity Lab Foundation and Hueman Group Media. The inaugural season is made possible in part by The Elders.

Listen to the Finding Humanity podcast series.

Webinar & Masterclass: Business & Purpose

Since the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, many businesses have taken them to heart, moved away from traditional Corporate Social Responsibility, and moved toward a deeper purpose. As we enter into the Decade of Action, facing a global pandemic and increased social unrest, governments and nonprofits cannot reach these goals alone. It has never been more important for businesses to join the effort.

Hosted by Can & Will, the creative studio at the heart of social impact, this event is for small to medium sized business owners who want to use the power of their business platforms to create sustainable change within their own communities. Business owners will gain industry insights and tools for defining an authentic purpose by integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into their business practices and marketing strategies.

Webinar & Masterclass: Business & Purpose

Since the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, many businesses have taken them to heart, moved away from traditional Corporate Social Responsibility, and moved toward a deeper purpose. As we enter into the Decade of Action, facing a global pandemic and increased social unrest, governments and nonprofits cannot reach these goals alone. It has never been more important for businesses to join the effort.

Hosted by Can & Will, the creative studio at the heart of social impact, this event is for small to medium sized business owners who want to use the power of their business platforms to create sustainable change within their own communities. Business owners will gain industry insights and tools for defining an authentic purpose by integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into their business practices and marketing strategies.

Science for a Sustainable Future

The world is facing a multitude of crises and as COVID-19 has spread, it has underscored how interconnected our world is and the importance of science in ensuring a sustainable future. Tackling each of these crises requires scientific knowledge and expertise for diagnosing challenges and developing solutions. Stronger international cooperation and greater collaboration between policymakers and scientists are needed to mobilize science to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in every country. 

On October 8 2020, Springer Nature and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) with its Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics (TReNDS) will host a three hour virtual conference on science for a sustainable future. This global virtual conference will bring together policymakers, government representatives, UN officials, as well as leading scientists from around the world to discuss the role of science in achieving the SDGs.

Encuesta y Diálogos Locales: ONU 75

To promote the community that surrounds us in the UN 75 Minute Vote, we will highlight the importance of participating in the solutions of global problems.

Únete al caos

There will be a campaign on the awareness of the SDGs, with the participation and interaction of community members. There will also be dissemination of information about the SDGs to strengthen their recognition and awareness through virtual media.

Voto Simultáneo Regional de la Encuesta Un Minuto de ONU 75

We conducted a network campaign that involves uploading a photo, either a selfie or normal photo, while resolving the UN 75 One Minute survey. And, with consent through a form, we will use these photos and upload them to our social networks in order to generate greater dissemination and advocacy. All photos will be published on the day of the UN event, the 23rd from 10am to 11:30am.

Díalogos Locales ONU 75: Vivir en sociedades pacíficas

The dialogue to be held and transmitted via Facebook Live. We will talk about citizen security and peace and citizen values in order to raise awareness about SDG 16 and SDG 17. Also, the simultaneous vote of the UN75 Survey will be held, minutes before the end of the night of dialogue.

Hablemos sobre los ODS

This event is a Google Meet where there will be three conferences with three different speakers on projects focused on SDGs. At the end, there will be an explanation of the origin and importance of the UN 75 One Minute Survey and voting.

Semana de acción por los ODS

This is a response to the call for action on the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the start of the UN Decade of Action to achieve the SDGs.

Semana de Acción por los ODS

The SOEMA SDG Action Week events consist of a series of conferences/webinars that address SDG-related issues. We are organizing 10 conferences from September 21st to 25th where we seek to talk about the 17 goals. Some conferences will be about individual goals, while others will touch on a mix of goals.

Situación y perspectivas del acuerdo de Escazú para Latinoamérica: Una mirada desde la Juventud

This conversation will deal with the challenges that the Escazú Agreement has faced in the different contexts of Latin America. Each guest will express how youth have or have not been involved in the process of ratifying the agreement.

Allies include Mexican Youth Against Climate Change (Mexico), Peruvian Youth Against Climate Change (Peru), Network of Young Leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean in Protected and Conserved Areas (Argentina), and Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad (Colombia).


Challenge #NosMovemODS

The challenge #NosMovemODS seeks to raise awareness on how we can fulfill the SDGs. In the social networks of JODS NETWORK, different challenges will be carried out and shared across platforms.

Dialogo Regional y Voto Simultaneo Regional de la Encuesta un mundo de Onu75

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and through the UN75 survey, we continue to develop the activities of the Citizen Ambassadors Agenda 2030 program in order to bring the voices of thousands of people to the United Nations and world leaders. Allies include Conscious Food Movement and Ecological Urban Gardens Tarija.

Comunidad 2030: ODS 16 Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

As #Citizen Ambassadors2030 and all youth, we are committed to the changes we want for people, the planet, and to achieve peace. Young people have organized themselves to demand action for climate change, to advocate for gender equality, and to promote action for the development of their communities.

This is why we will identify with #SDG16, which seeks to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provides access to justice for all, and builds effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Ciclo de Webinars sobre los ODS: Juventud Rural activando sus economías

Within the framework of Agenda 2030, we believe that to achieve SDG 8, all young people must have access to formal and decent work. Rural youth have a fundamental role in the development of the country, since they are the main engine of economic growth as well as the guardians of food security. In spite of the limitations present in rural areas, many young people have been knocking them down through effort and dedication. They not only seek their personal well-being, but also benefit and empower their communities. We invite you to know the stories that encourage us to continue fighting and working for a more just Peru.

Primer foro “Juégatela por los ODS”

Through the forum “Play for the SDGs,” we discussed what the SDGs are and why they are important. With the help of the director of the SDG Regional Observatory of the Universidad of the Andes, we will provide relevant information about their implementation in LAC and specifically in Colombia, in relation to the My World 2030 survey. Allies of this event include SDG Regional Observatory of the University of the Andes.

Las juventudes rurales y los ODS

As part of SDG Action Week, we will talk about rural communities and the SDGs, learning how to work with them, what communities and youth are asking of the SDGs, and what the youth perspective on the SDG is. Allies include Youth Collective for Change and National Network of Youth Nicaragua.

Conociendo Los ODS

Allied organizations will support the diffusion of informative arts to generate a greater impact on the youth and to make them aware of the importance of the SDGs.

Allies include Eduserver, Generation 2020, Community Tourism Trails, Network of Leaders for Democracy and Development (RELIDD), SENTILUZ, Young People United for Transformation Through Art (JUNTARTE), Network of IKIGAI Leaders Lidera Transforma, Tejiendo Culture radio program, MUSA Inspiration That Nurtures, Willka Warmis Justice and Equity, The Messy Room, MEANING Guiding You to Success, and the Bolivian Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CEBEM).