Solve Challenge Finals

Solve Challenge Finals is an unparalleled live pitch event, bringing together social impact entrepreneurs and leaders from around the world. Some of the most promising tech-based innovators will join us in New York City on September 18th to share their solutions to the 2022 Solve Global Challenges: The Care Economy, Re-engaging Learners, Climate: Ecosystems + Housing, and Equitable Health Systems.

Clinton Global Initiative 2022 Meeting

Apply to attend the next Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting in New York City from September 19-20, 2022. President Bill Clinton, Secretary Hillary Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton convene CGI to bring together leaders from business, government, and philanthropy to commit to take action on pressing global challenges.

2022 Philippine Young Leaders’ Convergence

Held annually since 2017, the Philippine Young Leaders’ Convergence (formerly National Young Leaders’ Conference) has been the largest multi-sectoral convergence of young grassroots leaders for the Global Goals.

With the theme “Making-bisug, Kabatan-unan: Regenerating Youth-centered Impetus towards Helping Achieve Sustainable and Inclusive Development Post-Pandemic”, the PYLC 2022 will be held in the City of General Santos on October 12-15, 2022.

SDG Action Zone 2022

Bringing the UN to the world and the world to the UN.

Over the course of three days during the UN General Assembly, the SDG Action Zone brings together the highest levels of UN leadership, activists, government officials, business leaders, changemakers and disruptors in a virtual collaborative space – to highlight the ecosystem-wide solutions, plans, and investments needed to positively impact people’s lives and the future of our planet.

2022 Concordia Annual Summit

With over a decade of experience bringing together heads of state, leaders of the private and NGO sectors, and new and diversified perspectives to explore tangible solutions to local and global challenges, the 2022 Concordia Annual Summit will be the largest convening alongside the UN General Assembly. Our 12th Annual Summit will convene the top movers and shakers of today’s world to spark dialogue, promote collaboration, and collectively pave the path toward a more equitable, sustainable future.

Global Week to #Act4SDGs

Held from 16 to 25 September 2022, the Global Week to #Act4SDGs mobilization takes place when world leaders gather at the United Nations General Assembly. During this challenging time, the Global Week will focus on Climate, Justice and Peace, and mark the mid-way point of achieving the SDG Agenda, with a goal of 1 billion actions by 2030. Join millions of people around the world taking action on the SDGs, to show that we can #FlipTheScript for people and the planet.

Better Together World Congress

Co-creating and co-collaborating on our collective future is an important step in our global recovery. How can we advance an intergenerational approach towards the 2030 Agenda? Join youth from around the world as they present their real-life impact through building intergenerational initiatives.

Co-designed by youth from 10 countries, this World Congress will feature SDG Project Showcases, SDG Focus Groups, and SDG Network Events.

Kick Off Reception – United Nations General Assembly

Coming back together after years apart, we are gathering with like-minded, action-oriented decision makers! From Davos, to the Cannes International Festival of Creativity, to UNGA, the Kick-Off Receptions have been a platform for optimists to create networks of support for collective action and convene with like-minded leaders that care to make a change happen. After such a difficult time, we look forward to coming back together and collaborating once again.

Forever Youth Festival

Youth is both a physical and mental state of being. Through emphasizing holistic health and well-being, we can build a sound and sustainable foundation for humankind to better co-exist with our planet.

Emphasizing healthtech, biotech, medtech and foodtech, the Forever Youth Festival is co-curated by youth from around the world, and will feature presentations by young health advocates, showcases by young researchers, and case studies of higher learning in health.

Integrating Intuition to Achieve the 2030 Agenda

This class will be a practical lesson on the Mechanism of Intuition, and will show how intuition, as an integrated language, can allow the people and communities who practice it to achieve sustainable development. The class will also show how the SDGs can be achieved in the short term as well as statistics, results, and how to accomplish the SDGs with scarce resources.

SDG Moment 2022

The SDG Moment serves to place an annual spotlight on the Sustainable Development Goals. It takes place as the world faces a deepening cost-of-living crisis that carries huge implications for the advancement of the SDGs, especially in developing countries. Convened by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the Moment will provide world leaders with a platform to showcase the bold actions and solutions that are needed to set the world on course towards achieving the SDGs. The SDG Moment event will set the scene and lead into the Transforming Education Summit, and is expected to build the momentum as we head towards the SDG Summit in 2023.

Sustainable Development Impact Meetings

Convening at the same time as the United Nations General Assembly, the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings will bring together communities of purpose that integrate business leaders, policy-makers, international and civil society organizations, innovators and entrepreneurs. In a series of carefully curated impact-driven dialogues, these alliances will use the meetings to advance their work and make concrete progress on the SDGs and to build momentum on other key milestones ahead.

Reinforcing Cooperation in a Disrupted World: A Strategic Preview of the UN General Assembly

Ahead of the 2022 United Nations General Assembly, political, business, and civil society leaders will join the Financial Times, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, to host this strategic preview of the UN General Assembly which will explore how international cooperation can be utilised to overcome the myriad of geopolitical crises including climate, food, energy, and war; while also asking how multilateralism can be redesigned to be more resilient and effective in the modern day.

Semana de Acción X ODS

La Semana de Acción Global por los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, impulsado por Youth Global Action, busca una nueva forma de inspirar, movilizar, conectar a las personas y a las organizaciones que actúen sobre los ODS. El foro será un espacio de juventud y dinamismo con escenarios diferentes, con sesiones plenarias, charlas relámpago, performances, talleres interactivos, exposiciones y un espacio para conectar con jóvenes líderes, agentes de cambio, activistas y más.

Third Young SDG Champion Awards

To recognize young grassroots leaders’ exemplary commitment to championing the SDGs in their respective communities, GIYD will launch the Third Young SDG Champion Awards as one of the major activities of this year’s Philippine Young Leaders’ Convergence on October 12-15, 2022 in General Santos City.

The Awards aim to recognize local change-makers and celebrate achievements being made from the grassroots level up, which all form a critical contribution to the 2030 Agenda.

Reversing alarming declines in immunization: Building sustainable vaccine demand with and for communities

This event will focus on COVID-19 vaccinations and routine childhood immunizations, and will explore: barriers to restoring and sustaining high acceptance and demand for both COVID-19 vaccines and routine immunizations in LMICs; how misinformation and limited health services are particularly holding back progress for equitable vaccine access and demand; and pioneering practices from LMICs we can build on to drive high vaccination rates through community engagement.

Talking TB: The Road to 2030

Devex and the Stop TB Partnership will bring global health leaders together to focus on what’s needed to accelerate progress for ending TB by 2030. The discussion will explore: the actions and funding needed to implement the Global Plan to End TB 2023-2030; what needs to be accomplished at next year’s 2023 U.N. high-Level meeting on TB; and the digital innovations, vaccine candidates, and promising clinical trials that could lead us to better accessible treatment.

KIDsforSDGs Annual Impact Meeting 2022

AIM 2022 celebrates the organization’s global membership reaching over 50 countries. Co-curated and co-designed by youth from 10 countries, the event will focus on three pillars of impact: political, economic and social, and how they intersect. The emphasis is on youth being provided with a platform for co-creating a collective future where the outputs lead to outcomes shared by all of society. Together, we can AIM higher!

Launch of the Young Leaders for the SDGs

Following an open call for applications for the 2022-2024 Class of 17 Young Leaders for the SDGs, which resulted in 5,434 total applications submitted from 194 countries, the UN Envoy on Youth is excited to announce that the next class of Young Leaders for the SDGs will be held on 21 September 2022, with the support of a High-Level Selection Committee. These remarkable young change-makers are recognized for their ability to inspire and mobilize their constituents. Stay tuned for the announcement!

SDG Media Summit

The SDG Media Summit returns to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City with the goal of engaging on the most pressing sustainability issues, activating around solutions, and celebrating projects and partnerships that are helping achieve the SDGs.

Just a few days before the 77th edition of the United Nations General Assembly, the summit will bring together up to 150 communications leaders, United Nations representatives, and media experts to highlight the power of media to address pressing global issues and achieve the SDGs.