The ICSD is a forum for academia, government, civil society, UN agencies, and the private sector to come together to share practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Parallel sessions, taking place virtually on September 19, include over 300 oral and poster research presentations in all time zones, and the plenary sessions, taking in-person and online on September 20, will feature UN leadership, heads of state, and other high-level keynote speakers and panel discussions.
2023 JCI RISE Virtual Summit
The JCI RISE Virtual Summit is a three-day online event led by inspiring speakers from numerous fields who will share their ideas, experiences, and knowledge to help young leaders navigate modern challenges.
Our Goal is to inspire young leaders to collaborate, exchange ideas, create positive impact, and RISE TOGETHER with a unified vision.
Sustainable Development Impact Meetings
As the world struggles to rebuild in the aftermath of the global pandemic and in the face of a challenging economy, geopolitical fault-lines and the deepening impact of climate change, progress towards the SDGs has been slower than required to achieve the timeline laid out in 2015. To respond to these challenges and to revive momentum on the SDGs, the Forum will host communities of purpose, business leaders, policymakers, civil society and entrepreneurs for a series of impact-driven dialogues.
Forum of the Future: Future of Economics
Future of Economics is a youth-led think tank which, through an interdisciplinary approach to learning and applying economics, fosters multi-stakeholder action towards stable economic growth and a thriving society as a result.
To collectively advance towards long-term prosperity, the Future of Economics Forum will, united by the THRIVE Framework, host research showcases and experimental workshops on eight key areas of economics.
Solutions Hub
The Solutions Hub is a one-day convergence of changemakers, thought leaders, supporters, and partners that are dedicated to inspiring and catalyzing progress, while highlighting youth-led solutions for global change. This immersive and interactive experience will showcase a range of unique perspectives, innovation, and leadership experiences from our dedicated and young changemakers and esteemed partners.
Limited tickets are available for GGW partners. Email [email protected] for further details.
SDG Challenge Miami – Launch Event
The SDG Challenge is a student competition that provides practical work experience to mobilize companies, organizations, universities, and students in Miami to advance the UN SDGs. Companies in South Florida will be the key drivers of the challenge and will lay the foundation for students to become the next generation of sustainability leaders.
Goals House UNGA
Goals House will be at Tavern on the Green to convene heads of state, business leaders, NGO’s, activists, thinkers and entrepreneurs to drive action and impact towards the Global Goals. This year promises another busy program with partners, including Bloomberg, HSBC, Bank of America, (RED), Google, Community Jameel, Holcim, Mastercard, Patch, Reckitt, IUCN, Youth Climate Justice Fund, the Gates Foundation and Bayer already lined up to host events, with many more conversations in progress.
SDG Summit Curtain Raiser 2023
The SDG Summit Curtain Raiser organized by the UN Foundation aims to set the stage for the SDG Summit in September 2023. This event is all about unlocking intergenerational power to work with and for young people, the changemakers of today and tomorrow, to influence the course of global action towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It’s a chance to share your perspectives and ideas with influential policymakers, and young champions as they take the world stage at the SDG Summit. It’s an early preview into the SDG Summit program, and the opportunity to speak your truth and make an impact.
International Day of Peace Youth Observance
The United Nations commemorates this year’s International Day of Peace Youth Observation as a hybrid event. Participants will interact with young leaders and activists to inspire youth involvement in creating a more peaceful world. This year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action that recognizes our responsibility to foster peace by contributing to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Watch the event on UN Web TV.
Liverpool 2030 – From Sustainable To Regenerative Tourism
This is the kick-off event for #GlobalGoalsLiverpool, a week of local to global conversations with Day 1 exploring Destination Liverpool, which connects the regional visitor economy to the SDGs.
Alliance Action Forum – A Spotlight on Regional Perspectives on Embedding Corporate Accountability within the UN System
This forum is a dialogue on the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing among allies to bring tangible, multi-stakeholder initiatives to life on corporate accountability. It is now clear that measuring and evaluating business impact through increased mechanisms for corporate accountability cannot be achieved by a single organization, government, or stakeholder group. This event will highlight regional perspectives with an emphasis on stakeholders from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Zero Waste Market
The Zero Waste Market is a space for young entrepreneurs with zero waste businesses that promote environmentally responsible products and use alternative materials in the production of products.
En este día, conmemoramos el inicio de la Semana Global de #AcciónXODS demandando a los gobiernos del mundo y a todos los sectores un #2030NoNegociable, donde nos movilizamos para exigir la adopción acelerada de una propuesta de Estímulo de los ODS, bajo tres ámbitos de acción: un aumento masivo de la financiación para el desarrollo; una nueva iniciativa para aliviar las deudas de los países más pobres; y la ampliación de la financiación de contingencia para todos las países que la necesiten.
En este día, enlazando dos ODS fundamentales para esta transformación, buscamos que personas y organizaciones se movilicen por la #ProsperidadPlanetaria. Un aspecto crucial de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, los ODS y el Acuerdo de París, es promover la coherencia y el cumplimiento del ordenamiento territorial sostenible, la implementación de estrategias regionales, nacionales y locales de reducción del riesgo de desastres y ser resilientes a los efectos del cambio climático.
Impact State of Mind – UNGA #78
Join us to kick-off Global Goals Week and Climate Week with networking, hearing from inspiring speakers, and enjoying food and drinks with good vibes.
La Cumbre de los ODS de las Naciones Unidas que se llevará a cabo en septiembre 2023, debe ser un verdadero punto de inflexión para todas las personas y sectores. Uno donde se movilice un acuerdo político sin precedentes, donde seamos capaces de corregir las injusticias históricas en que se sustenta el sistema financiero internacional para que los países y las personas más vulnerables tengan la oportunidad de conseguir un futuro mejor.
Torchbearers for the SDGs: Meaningful Youth Engagement & the 2030 Agenda
Towards the SDG Summit 2023, OSGEY alongside MGCY & ICMYO facilitated a youth-led meaningful youth engagement roadmap that included a series of consultations. The process will culminate in the SDG Action Weekend, particularly during the “Torchbearers for the SDGs: Meaningful Youth Engagement & the 2030 Agenda” session. The outcomes of the consultations will be unveiled as an outcome document, alongside the final version of the Global Youth Position Paper for the SDG Summit.
UN SDG Action Zone
The SDG Action Zone provides a meaningful platform for a diverse range of actors, to share perspectives, spotlight solutions, exchange ideas, and build a community to inspire pathways into change and boost the powerful movement for the SDGs.
The 2023 edition ‘Raising Accountability’ will address elements of responsibility and focus on the intersection and interconnectedness of people and planet. The conversations will set the vision for a sustainable world for everyone, everywhere.
SDG Innovation Challenge 2023
Designed as a virtual, pan-African collaboration space, the SDG Innovation Challenge is a powerhouse for young Africans (18-35 years) to develop cross-boundary, sustainable solutions to grassroots challenges in order to further the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the grassroots level up. Since 2020, this challenge has called upon participants to employ creativity, collaboration, and complex thinking to tackle problems measurably and systematically.
Building An African Innovation Ecosystem in New York
Join Impact Hub in celebrating Africa’s burgeoning innovation ecosystem on Kwame Nkrumah Day, at our 3rd annual event on the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly. Get ready to connect with passionate entrepreneurs and stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic, in alignment with the 2030 Development Goals. Delicious African food and drinks provided!