A local dialogue will be held based on the answers to the question: What future awaits us? We will address issues regarding climate change, the environment and the role that young people are playing in the future we want. The dialogue will be developed with young volunteers and the collaboration of Fabiola Rios, coordinator of the strategy of participation in climate change for UNICEF Bolivia. The objective of the dialogue is to reflect on environmental issues.
Open Event
Voto simultáneo, Encuesta ONU75
As part of the SDG Week, the Kusisqa Girl Up Club invites you to be part of the conversation for the 75th anniversary of the United Nations through the UN 75 One Minute Survey. You can join our Zoom. We are ready to hear your voice on today’s and tomorrow’s global priorities – your opinion counts and can make a difference!
Encuesta Mi Mundo 2030
The survey will allow us to bring the voices of citizens from our department and country to decision makers and to the United Nations by integrating the opinions and aspirations of the world’s citizens into the process of monitoring the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
Comunidades ancetrales y desarollo sostenible
In this session, we take the opportunity to demonstrate the interrelationship between the practices of ancestral communities and steps towards a sustainable development model from different sectors.
Bolivia por la Encuesta Mi Mundo 2030
We will disseminate the My World 2030 Survey in the largest number of social networks of organizations and/or institutions in Bolivia. We created 3 types of content for this diffusion: posters, motivational videos promoting the filling of our survey, and short videos of steps to fill out the survey. This material will be provided to the organizations to promote its publication in the social networks of the organizations participating in this dissemination campaign.
Voto Simultáneo Regional de la Encuesta Un Minuto de ONU 75
We conducted a network campaign that involves uploading a photo, either a selfie or normal photo, while resolving the UN 75 One Minute survey. And, with consent through a form, we will use these photos and upload them to our social networks in order to generate greater dissemination and advocacy. All photos will be published on the day of the UN event, the 23rd from 10am to 11:30am.
Encuesta Mi Mundo 2030
The general objective of the PBACC is to generate processes of education and awareness
promoting of scientific research and information dissemination, generating alliances
to address climate change and other environmental problems by positively impacting the
climate action in the country. Its specific objectives are:
1. To raise awareness in society through communication and environmental education.
2. To generate spaces for research and projects related to climate change and other environmental problems.
3. To manage training and updating spaces for the members of the organization.
4. Disseminate and publish the intellectual production generated by the members of the organization.
5. Initiate and support legal actions that are related to the principles and values of the organization.
Díalogos Locales ONU 75: Vivir en sociedades pacíficas
The dialogue to be held and transmitted via Facebook Live. We will talk about citizen security and peace and citizen values in order to raise awareness about SDG 16 and SDG 17. Also, the simultaneous vote of the UN75 Survey will be held, minutes before the end of the night of dialogue.
Hablemos sobre los ODS
This event is a Google Meet where there will be three conferences with three different speakers on projects focused on SDGs. At the end, there will be an explanation of the origin and importance of the UN 75 One Minute Survey and voting.
Semana de acción por los ODS
This is a response to the call for action on the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the start of the UN Decade of Action to achieve the SDGs.
Encuentro Cultural Ambiental Latinoamericano
The activity will be developed through a dialogue between organizations from different Latin American countries that will show us through videos, photographs, and slides how communities express their cultural roots and how they contribute to the care of the environment specifically through developing the Sustainable Development Goals 13, 14 and 15 of Agenda 2030.
Semana de Acción por los ODS
The SOEMA SDG Action Week events consist of a series of conferences/webinars that address SDG-related issues. We are organizing 10 conferences from September 21st to 25th where we seek to talk about the 17 goals. Some conferences will be about individual goals, while others will touch on a mix of goals.
Semana de Acción Global por los ODS: ¿Cómo nos interpelan y qué papel tienen los jóvenes?
We will discuss what SDGs are and how they are raised in our reality, opening the space to a first introduction that will allow the public to dissect this concept. We will also analyze the role of young people as agents of change who can establish initiatives aimed at improving their communities.
ODS Por El Planeta
Information about the importance of SDGs 6, 13, 14, and 15 will be transmitted through the platform of the Arequipa Environmental Roundtable by means of the Radio Voices Ambientales.
Situación y perspectivas del acuerdo de Escazú para Latinoamérica: Una mirada desde la Juventud
This conversation will deal with the challenges that the Escazú Agreement has faced in the different contexts of Latin America. Each guest will express how youth have or have not been involved in the process of ratifying the agreement.
Allies include Mexican Youth Against Climate Change (Mexico), Peruvian Youth Against Climate Change (Peru), Network of Young Leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean in Protected and Conserved Areas (Argentina), and Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad (Colombia).
Taller de Gestión de Residuos Solidos
A workshop will be held via Zoom through which we will explain 3 projects of triple impact on the theme of Solid Waste Management related to the objective of SDG 12, responsible production and consumption. The workshop will give guidelines on how a person can reduce their impact on the daily generation of waste, highlight the development of ecological art, and take advantage of the UN 75 survey. With this activity, PBACC LA PAZ joins the Week of Action.
Challenge #NosMovemODS
The challenge #NosMovemODS seeks to raise awareness on how we can fulfill the SDGs. In the social networks of JODS NETWORK, different challenges will be carried out and shared across platforms.
Dialogo Regional y Voto Simultaneo Regional de la Encuesta un mundo de Onu75
To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and through the UN75 survey, we continue to develop the activities of the Citizen Ambassadors Agenda 2030 program in order to bring the voices of thousands of people to the United Nations and world leaders. Allies include Conscious Food Movement and Ecological Urban Gardens Tarija.
Comunidad 2030: ODS 16 Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
As #Citizen Ambassadors2030 and all youth, we are committed to the changes we want for people, the planet, and to achieve peace. Young people have organized themselves to demand action for climate change, to advocate for gender equality, and to promote action for the development of their communities.
This is why we will identify with #SDG16, which seeks to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provides access to justice for all, and builds effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Conferencia: Ecoturismo, Actualidad y áreas naturales.
Activity number one highlights the regional dialogues realized by the week of action. Our second principal activity is a conference to announce the reality and importance of ecotourism in natural areas. Ecotourism contributes to the achievements of the objectives of sustainable development.
Allies include Sernanp, Quilkay Wetlands Diffusion Group, CECOS-Costa Rica, and Hills of Paradise.