Global Goals League

LaLiga and Global Goals World Cup / EIR are joining forces to introduce a new female football league and scoring system with local implementing partner Rise for Good. Each team will play for a Global Goal and are scored in five point categories per match. The first game is taking place in Jordan.

Devex @UNGA78

On Sept. 19-21, Devex will host a series of events in New York during Global Goals Week.

Devex will convene leaders on a range of issues including global health, food systems, climate, financial inclusion, education, humanitarian response, and gender. They will also cover the roles of government, businesses, and philanthropy in funding the financial gap as the development community continues to drive progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

This event is RSVP only.

Global Africa Business Initiative #UnstoppableAfrica

The Global Africa Business Initiative is a solution-oriented global platform connecting leaders to drive and invest in the unstoppable opportunity of Africa’s economic growth. From September 21–22 in NY, GABI will host leaders for a deep dive on energy access and transition, digital transformation, and inclusive growth and trade.

Sustainable Development Impact Meetings

As the world struggles to rebuild in the aftermath of the global pandemic and in the face of a challenging economy, geopolitical fault-lines and the deepening impact of climate change, progress towards the SDGs has been slower than required to achieve the timeline laid out in 2015. To respond to these challenges and to revive momentum on the SDGs, the Forum will host communities of purpose, business leaders, policymakers, civil society and entrepreneurs for a series of impact-driven dialogues.

Boosting the Employability of Young People through Innovative Partnerships

In this gathering, we aim to bring the spotlight to some offbeat and unexpected collaborations, with a special focus on youth and skills, to both celebrate their success and out-of-the-box thinking but also to inspire and breathe new life into conversations around the SDGs and how to achieve them. By marrying current SDG ambition with a generation of young people eager to build skills and opportunities for the future of their communities, we can build generations that enable a multiplier effect.

Filling the Global ESG Gap Before It’s Too Late!

The financial services industry has a long way to go to play its part in ESG and DEI change. With time running out, here from global asset owners, local and federal government officials and others about what we can do and how.

Solve Challenge Finals 2023

Solve Challenge Finals 2023 is an unparalleled live pitch event bringing together global investors, philanthropists and other cross-sector leaders who are making big impacts across the world. During the event, Solve will reveal the 30 most promising tech-based solutions that address our 2023 Global Challenges. A delegate from each of the selected teams will pitch their solutions live for a chance to win over $1 million in prize funding and to meet our community of supporters and collaborators.

SDG Challenge Miami – Launch Event

The SDG Challenge is a student competition that provides practical work experience to mobilize companies, organizations, universities, and students in Miami to advance the UN SDGs. Companies in South Florida will be the key drivers of the challenge and will lay the foundation for students to become the next generation of sustainability leaders.

Goals House UNGA

Goals House will be at Tavern on the Green to convene heads of state, business leaders, NGO’s, activists, thinkers and entrepreneurs to drive action and impact towards the Global Goals. This year promises another busy program with partners, including Bloomberg, HSBC, Bank of America, (RED), Google, Community Jameel, Holcim, Mastercard, Patch, Reckitt, IUCN, Youth Climate Justice Fund, the Gates Foundation and Bayer already lined up to host events, with many more conversations in progress.

Science Storytelling for the SDGs

An evening of storytelling from researchers working at the forefront of SDGs 5, 7 and 10, brought together by Springer Nature and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) for the UN Science Summit.

Ceres Network Member Event at Climate Week: Turning Transition Plans into Action

The time is now for every investor and company to detail the bold actions they are taking to achieve their climate goals, to support global efforts to limit average temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees, and to accelerate the transition to a net zero economy. We will highlight the tremendous momentum for investor and corporate transition plans and illustrate how Ceres’ CTAP and ICAP Expectation Ladder frameworks interact.

This event is by invitation only.

How Investors and Companies Can Help Protect the Freedom to Invest Responsibly

Special interests and their political allies in Congress and in statehouses across the U.S. are working to ban businesses from integrating responsible investment and business practices into decision-making. Freedom to Invest has rallied hundreds of private and public sector leaders to remind policymakers that the economy will be stronger and more resilient if businesses can make their own investment decisions, considering all material financial risks and opportunities.

A Question of Fit: EV Stakeholder Roundtable

As groundbreaking incentives and regulations accelerate the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and chargers alike, many fleets are focused on ensuring the vehicle market can provide the right EV for each of their cases. Additionally, they search for reliable charging availability for vehicles with varying drive-and-duty cycles and time schedules. Now is the time to address these questions of fit so fleets of all shapes and sizes can access the financial, operational, and environmental benefits of EVs.