SDG Booth (Public Stunt) | G17 University Ambassadors Consortium Bhutan

The G17 Bhutan Ambassadors of Sherubtse College will conduct an SDG booth to #FlipTheScript, creating awareness and compelling people to pledge solidarity for a sustainable future.

Each ambassador will create a painting or picture with a strong theme relevant to their goals. They will then present their creations to the university students and faculties.

RE100 Member’s Forum

For our annual RE100’s member’s forum, we are inviting members to join us for an in-depth discussion on the progress and future direction of the initiative. In this closed-door session, members will gain exclusive insight into how RE100 is focusing on policy advocacy to accelerate the transition to 100% renewable power.

The winning formula: Creating an American green hydrogen economy

Green hydrogen will play a crucial role in the decarbonization strategies for governments and businesses. Hydrogen is a solution for stationary applications or for fuel heavy transport, including aviation and shipping.

In this closed-door roundtable we will discuss the opportunity green hydrogen offers to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors and how increased collaboration between states, federal government, and the private sector can accelerate the delivery of this new green resource.

Global Africa Business Initiative

Under the leadership of the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Amina J. Mohammed, the inaugural Global Africa Business Initiative is designed to place Africa in its proper spot on the world stage, bringing to focus a roadmap for Africa that is sustainable, inclusive, just, and managed by Africans for Africans. The conference will take place during the United Nations General Assembly week from 18-19 September 2022. There will be robust dives on how Africa offers a powerful business ecosystem when activated brings prosperity to all Africans and citizens of the world.

Reimagining A Fair Data Future: Launch of the Data Values Campaign

This side event, hosted by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, will launch the Data Values Campaign, a global campaign centered around a manifesto for change that sparks dialogue, builds a movement, and catalyzes action to unlock a fairer data future for all. The campaign will be a movement that brings together diverse and often underrepresented perspectives, stories, and expertise on issues around data and power. The event will frame the need to critically examine the ways that power is distributed in the production, sharing, and use of data, and in how data use and governance can challenge or exacerbate existing power imbalances.

Climate Week NYC: Under2 Coalition General Assembly

The Under2 Coalition General Assembly is the annual meeting of our member states and regions. It brings us together to share knowledge and first-hand experience of climate action and to challenge the international community to up its ambition and play its part.

This year we look forward to hearing from our five co-chairs for 2022-2024 as well as governors, premiers and first ministers from across our global membership. We look at what it means to ‘get it done’ as a state or regional government and how our networks can build reach and impact as we work towards a net zero world.

Climate Week NYC: The Hub Live – Executive Series

Building on our successful digital roundtable series in 2021, the Executive Series is hosted in-person at The Hub Live at Climate Week NYC.

In partnership with PwC, this year’s series invites senior business and policy executives to connect and collaborate to get it done. A series of closed-door, invite only strategic roundtables hosted under the Chatham House rule for senior executives to be frank and honest about the challenges they face, to pull together for bolder climate leadership, and to find shared solutions to common challenges.

Youth4Climate: Powering Action

Youth4Climate: Powering Action, a global initiative co-led by the Government of Italy and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and co-shaped with youth and other strategic partners, will convene a flagship global event on 20 September 2022 in New York, on the margins of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Multilateralism as a Way Forward: Managing the “Mega-Crisis”

This invite-only session of the SDG Lounge, in partnership with Club de Madrid, will focus on the mega-crisis and the role of democracy and democracy-driven organizations in responding effectively to it. We will also discuss Club de Madrid’s work as well as the challenges and importance of promoting multilateralism and public-private partnerships to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

Global Youth Forum at SDG Lounge

The Global Youth Forum at SDG Lounge will be a follow-up to the Global Youth Summit at Earthx2022 that took place on Earth Day this year. This invite-only program will build upon the partnerships that were highlighted with progress reports and calls to action.

Island Resilience Forum at SDG Lounge

The Island Resilience Forum at the SDG Lounge will be a follow-up to the Island Resilience Summit at Earthx2022 that took place on Earth Day this year. The invite-only program will build upon the partnerships that were highlighted with progress reports and calls to action.