Sustainable Development Impact Meetings

Convening at the same time as the United Nations General Assembly, the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings will bring together communities of purpose that integrate business leaders, policy-makers, international and civil society organizations, innovators and entrepreneurs. In a series of carefully curated impact-driven dialogues, these alliances will use the meetings to advance their work and make concrete progress on the SDGs and to build momentum on other key milestones ahead.

Reinforcing Cooperation in a Disrupted World: A Strategic Preview of the UN General Assembly

Ahead of the 2022 United Nations General Assembly, political, business, and civil society leaders will join the Financial Times, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation, to host this strategic preview of the UN General Assembly which will explore how international cooperation can be utilised to overcome the myriad of geopolitical crises including climate, food, energy, and war; while also asking how multilateralism can be redesigned to be more resilient and effective in the modern day.

Third Young SDG Champion Awards

To recognize young grassroots leaders’ exemplary commitment to championing the SDGs in their respective communities, GIYD will launch the Third Young SDG Champion Awards as one of the major activities of this year’s Philippine Young Leaders’ Convergence on October 12-15, 2022 in General Santos City.

The Awards aim to recognize local change-makers and celebrate achievements being made from the grassroots level up, which all form a critical contribution to the 2030 Agenda.

Impact Investing: Increasing Financial Investments for Sustainable Development

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Accountable Impact & Emergent Global Investments along with subject matter experts will discuss strategies to accelerate change by investing on impact and charting disruptive technologies related to solutions to climate change, renewable energy, the future of healthcare, food and water climate challenges.

Stories From the Heart of Health

The Johnson & Johnson Center for Health Worker Innovation will host a storytelling event to uplift the voices of health workers, facilitate new connections between partners and highlight the importance of advancing the needs of the health workforce and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


YOUNGA® is the largest global festival for impact. Using mixed reality, YOUNGA unites young people with decision-makers to co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world during the United Nations Decade of Action from 2020 to 2030.

YOUNGA 2022 will span from September 28 through October 21.

Seventh Replenishment – Fight For What Counts Opening Event

The #fightforwhatcounts Campaign Event will mark the official opening of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference. A dynamic, high-energy show will showcase the full breadth of the Global Fund partnership, highlighting key themes, challenges and opportunities in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria.

Seventh Replenishment Pledging Conference

As the core session of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Conference in New York, the Pledging Session is the culminating moment of the Fight for What Counts campaign when the partnership comes together to pledge towards the ambitious financial goal of raising at least US$18 billion to prevent 450 million new infections over 3 years and save 20 million more lives.

Health Financing and Gender Equality

This event aims to raise awareness of the critical issues affecting the health and wellbeing of women, children, and adolescents in light of the pandemic, address the exacerbated health financing challenges for programs targeting these populations, and explore lessons learned and best practices for health program adaptations and alternative health financing models to reclaim hard-won gains in the provision of essential health services for women, children, and adolescents.

A Reason to Hope: A SustainChain Event

The US Coalition on Sustainability will be hosting an intimate event to celebrate the vibrant community of changemakers who have now begun to operationalize SustainChain as a public service platform and action hub for rapid innovation, investment and impact. Special Guests include Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, and Professor Jeffrey Sachs, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network President.

Devex @ UNGA 77

Heads of state, policymakers, business and civil society leaders, activists, and philanthropists will all converge in New York City for UNGA 77, along with the traditional flurry of side events and meetings to determine how we can collectively get back on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Over two days, Devex will convene those at the center of these conversations for a series of interviews and workshops that ask the tough questions and dig into opportunities for progress.

Reimagining the Future of Learning for Sustainability and Inclusivity

Join SAP and World Scouting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly for a conversation on the importance of non-formal education and skills education to equip young generations with the skills they need in an ever-changing reality. In this gathering, we aim to bring together the voices of youth and decision-makers to continue the momentum from the Transforming Education Summit around non-formal education and skills based learning. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Bloomberg New Economy: Health Council Meeting

Global healthcare systems are buckling under the strain of recovering from the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic, ageing populations, chronic disease, and rising costs. It’s far better to prevent disease than to treat people after they get sick. How can medicine move toward a new model of care? The Bloomberg New Economy Health Council is focused on this question, delving into how we can close health equity gaps in order to transition from a reactive public health model to a preventative and resilient model that leads to longer, healthier lives for all.

New Partnerships to Unlock A More Sustainable Future

Please join the United Nations Foundation, APCO Worldwide and leaders representing the private and public sectors, philanthropy, civil society, multilateral organizations and next generation of change-makers, to catalyze cross-sectoral collaboration to address today’s pressing challenges. This breakfast program will build further on the momentum of the UN General Assembly High-Level Week, Unlock the Future of Learning Festival and Transforming Education Summit and help inform partnership opportunities and contribute to critical processes in the lead-up to the Summit of the Future in 2023.

FAIR PLAY: Alleviating the Unpaid Care Burden to Advance Gender Equality

Against the backdrop of the UN General Assembly, the UN Foundation, Hello Sunshine, and Fair Play will host a screening of the new FAIR PLAY documentary, a film that makes the invisible care work historically held by women visible, inspiring a more balanced future for all. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with a diverse set of speakers from government, international organizations, the private sector, and philanthropic organizations discussing how to recognize, reduce, and redistribute the unpaid care burden on women at the global level as we work to advance SDG 5 on gender equality.

American Leadership in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals have been embraced in American boardrooms, city halls, and classrooms as a shared understanding of what it means to build a resilient future where no one is left behind.

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, the Center for Sustainable Development at the Brookings Institution and the United Nations Foundation will convene U.S. leaders from across sectors to discuss how they are using the Sustainable Development Goals to advance progress and build collaboration at home and around the world.

The role of corporate accountability in an effective global governance system

This discussion, co-hosted by the World Benchmarking Alliance and the Governments of Mexico and The Netherlands, will consider how strengthened corporate accountability could empower governments and intergovernmental organisations to effectively involve the world’s most influential companies in implementing the 2030 Agenda and hold them to account on their commitments and progress.

Global Goals Week: Liverpool 2022

Global Goals Week: Liverpool is a week of local events, launches and coordinated support for international themes based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals whilst recognising the different challenges and opportunities in and around our home city. In addition to events and project announcements, 2030hub launches a call to action to all organisations across Liverpool City Region to share their own sustainability stories and successes.

Goals House at UNGA & Climate Week NYC

Goals House will be at UNGA 77, bringing together a community of internationally renowned activists, thinkers, political figures and business leaders that convene at global moments, united in the drive to achieve the UN SDGs.

Among the topics that will be discussed are achieving net-zero; the impact of the pandemic on education and healthcare; a sustainable fashion industry; modern slavery; circular cities; climate tech; and the role the private sector has to play in achieving the SDGs.