#NatureGoals2030 – A Twitter Chat about Biodiversity & the Global Goals

Biodiversity is critical for life on Earth. We need to find ways to partner and collaborate to protect and restore biodiversity and promote its sustainable use.

In this Twitter Chat we look at examples of how people and organisations around the world are leading the way to accelerate action on Sustainable Development Goal 15 (#SDG15) to ensure we halt biodiversity loss and create resilient, healthy ecosystems.

UNITAR Youth Ambassador Asia Pacific Program Launch

United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) and KIDsforSDGs will jointly launch the inaugural UNITAR Youth Ambassador Asia Pacific Program on Sept 25, 2021.

The 10-week programme empowers high school students to help our world build back better, greener, and stronger through a STEMxSDG Approach.

The Program advocates for youth entrepreneurship, both for-profit and not-for-profit, through the 6Ps Approach: Power, Purpose, Partnership, Playfulness, Publicity and Profit!

Caminata de la Solidaridad 2021

En el 2021 seguimos ayudando con fuerza solidaria a quienes más lo necesitan. Del 6 al 12 de septiembre, podrás disfrutar de 200 contenidos exclusivos en nuestra plataforma virtual con diferentes temáticas: Infantil, Bienestar, Entretenimiento, Cultural y Nuestra Fundación.

Desde hace 43 años la Caminata de Solidaridad por Colombia se ha convertido en un símbolo del país; es el cuarto evento más importante en Latinoamérica, contando con millones de asistentes cada año. En esta versión continuará su marcha con la presentación de importantes artistas como Pipe Peláez, Gusi, Flora Martínez, Juan Se Quintero y muchos más que se unirán a nuestra fuerza solidaria en las cuatro tarimas que tendremos el próximo 12 de septiembre en el Teatro Cafam, El Parque el Tunal, el Parque Nacional y el Centro Comercial Nuestro Bogotá.

Sustainable Development Impact Summit

For over a year, countries have struggled to address a pandemic that respects no borders, destroys lives and livelihoods, and deepens pre-existing global challenges like inequality, climate change and education. With less than a decade left to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, the fully virtual Sustainable Development Impact Summit 2021, hosted alongside the United Nations General Assembly, will bring together global leaders from diverse sectors, disciplines and geographies. Ensuring the world exits the pandemic stronger than it entered it will only be possible if leaders work together across sectors and borders to share and deploy know-how, innovation and promising approaches and accelerate the recovery.

Climate Action to Transform Food Systems

Join the World Food Programme (WFP), the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and CGIAR for a virtual debate on Climate Action to Transform Food Systems. This event will explore the linkages between the UN Food Systems Summit and COP26, and how we can tackle the climate crisis and support food security.


To commemorate the start of the #GlobalDayofAct4SDGs, we accelerate the implementation, monitoring, financing, follow-up, socialization and evaluation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs within the framework of the Decade of Action. We urge people and organizations from all sectors to rethink the five areas of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership to undertake actions that reinforce their message and inspire.

#Harmony With Nature

The biodiversity of our planet is the basis of human well-being, but its rapid decline threatens nature and people alike. The United Nations has identified the main global factors driving the loss of biodiversity: climate change, invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources, pollution and urbanization. On this day of #HarmonyWithNature, we seek to carry out actions that allow us to create awareness about the radical changes that we need from people and industries.

Global Day Of Act4SDG

As part of the #GlobalDayofAct4SDGs, we invite you to highlight the achievements and increase the knowledge of people and organizations on how to materialize the 17 SDGs and their 169 goals. There needs to be a new commitment from all of us to ensure a sustainable recovery that reduces carbon emissions, conserves natural resources, creates better jobs, promotes gender equality, and addresses growing poverty and inequalities.

SDG Action Zone 2021

Bringing the UN to the world and the world to the UN.

Over the course of three days during the UN General Assembly, the SDG Action Zone brings together the highest levels of UN leadership, activists, government officials, business leaders, changemakers and disruptors in a virtual collaborative space – to highlight the ecosystem-wide solutions, plans, and investments needed to positively impact people’s lives and the future of our planet.

Celebrating 100 Data Partnerships: A Global Partnership Townhall

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data has come a long way since we were founded six years ago. In 2016, we brokered three data partnerships across two countries.

This summer, we hit 100 partnerships in 35 countries. That’s hundreds of new connections to harness the power of data to bring us closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We’re celebrating this major milestone with a Town Hall event during Global Goals Week.

GGWCUP Nigeria 2021

Global Goals World Cup Nigeria is a 5 aside football tournament for all-women teams. Each team champions one of the SDGs, and is ranked by the action taken for their Goal on and off the field. The teams are scored in four distinct categories: Action, Crowd, Style and Football. Those awarded not only win a tournament. They amplify their calls to action and create impact, locally and globally.

Thriving, Not Just Surviving: Youth Power for the Global Goals

Join us to celebrate #YOUTHPOWER and learn how young people are making an impact on the Global Goals.

This event will feature a diverse range of speakers sharing their own personal experience on the power of youth leadership and how we can support young people to thrive, not just survive. We will also be announcing who our winning Youth Power Hacks teams are and exploring the ideas they have developed to help tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges.

Launch of the 2021 Food and Agriculture Benchmark

The World Benchmarking Alliance will launch its first Food & Agriculture Benchmark, assessing 350 key global food and agriculture companies on their performance towards food systems transformation. The benchmark is the first of its kind to take a value-chain approach, measuring progress of companies across their environmental, nutritional and social impact towards 2030. Co-hosted with the Swiss government, the event will include speakers from government, business, farmers and civil society.

UN Innovation Room Series

The Microsoft Tech for Social Impact team is hosting the UN Innovation Room Series, a four-part series hosted by Tolu Olubunmi, that highlights how UN organizations are embracing a culture of innovation to reignite the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in trusted, responsible, and inclusive ways. Throughout the series, WHO, United Nations, and UNICEF will share stories from the frontlines on how they are applying innovation and adopting digital tools and new models of collaboration to deliver on their missions and make a difference in people’s lives.

Sept 21 at 12PM ET – Leadership Panel with WHO, UNICEF, UN, and Microsoft: Harnessing digital and data for a Decade of Action 

Sept 28 at 12PM ET – WHO: Building the new home of global health data

Sept 29 at 12PM ET – UN: Delivering the next-generation in innovation, data, and digital capabilities for impact

Sept 30 at 12PM ET – UNICEF: Advancing digital innovation for children

Unlock the Future

This high-level virtual event marks the beginning of the coalition for young people and future generations. We will commit to working together to deliver young people’s priorities for the next and future generations and explore how we can overcome the barriers that prevent young people from acquiring the power and influence to shape their futures.

This meeting is hosted by the world’s most far-reaching youth-led and youth-focused networks and movements including Girl Up, Global Youth Mobilization, the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (The Award), Restless Development, the World Economic Forum, and the UN Foundation.

The Tipping Point: The State of the Amazon & the Bioeconomy Future

This event, hosted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) & the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA), will present an overview of the state of the Amazon, assessing the risk of the climate tipping points in the region, and the paradox between the Amazon’s extraordinary socio-biodiversity and its distance from the scientific, technological, and market frontier of the contemporary bioeconomy. Speakers will present an in-depth discussion on what the “tipping points” mean for the Amazon and the global world, the need for conservation and restoration, as well as challenges and pathways that exist to transition to a socially-fair and sustainable bioeconomy.

Peer Learning Forum: Climate Action – Engaging Your Leaders

Business in the Community (BITC) members who have pre-paid environment advisory days are invited to share practical ideas and opportunities to engage leaders in climate action. This peer learning forum is designed to help people and organisations in their preparations for COP26.

UN Deputy Secretary-General’s Virtual Youth Dialogue on Climate

This event is part of a dialogue series that serves to connect representatives of the youth population with the Deputy Secretary-General to discuss thematic issues ranging from climate to innovation and equality to health. The youth speakers are thematic experts and come from diverse backgrounds and regions. They include but are not limited to representatives from grassroots movements, international organizations, civil society, academia, and the private sector.

SustainChain Day: Road to 2030

Join us in celebrating SustainChain™ Day! Hear from special guests UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, Jeffrey Sachs, and several SustainChain members who are contributing to our action initiatives around regenerative agriculture, resilient infrastructure, plastics, ocean energy, and more. We will also unveil the latest enhancements to the SustainChain platform that will make it easier to connect relevant players, actions, and funding across the sustainability ecosystem.

Creative Climate Awards 2021: filming Second Sundays with Pioneer Works

The Human Impacts Institute presents our 11th Creative Climate Awards (CCA), which showcases a collection of climate-inspired works from our global film community and local NYC. This annual, month-long festival celebrates creative solutions to climate and health risks in our communities, while promoting community engagement with environmental health leaders who are creating a just and climate smart future. Celebrate this year’s CCA with an open viewing of our 14 film finalists!