Climate Changemakers: Digital Innovation for Youth Climate Action

This event serves as a space to spotlight the unique and innovative ways for youth-led creativity and entrepreneurship to spur local and global change and to highlight the enabling role of digital innovation with initiatives like DigitalArt4Climate. The event is a joint initiative of the Climate Changemaker initiative, a program of UNEP supported by the Government of Lanzarote (Spain), IAAI GloCha, the Turkish Municipalities of Balikesir and Uskudar, and UN-Habitat.

#MetoWe with Impact Hubs!

​Impact Hub, the world’s largest entrepreneurial impact network, will be showcasing their collective wisdom and impact on the world during Global Goals Week. Impact Hub Taipei is happy to deliver the #MetoWe event together with eight other Impact Hubs around the world! The 24-hour, non-stop event on the Gather Town platform will feature talks and demonstrations, each session in response to a certain SDG.​ Join us to scale the impact together!

Sustainable Cities: Today’s Projects for Tomorrow’s Quality

We must push for the replacement of linear ‘production-consumption-waste’ models with inclusive, circular, restorative, regenerative models based on eco-design, servitization, efficient and transparent use of resources, and the extension of the useful life of goods while ensuring the dignity of people. This Facebook Live event seeks to influence the urgent structural changes needed in the industry to make them part of the real scheme of sustainability.

Unlocking sustainable finance for nature-based solutions

Join us for an event on the sidelines of UNGA 77 in New York where Devex — in partnership with FinDev Canada, Pollination and ANZ — will show how private investors and development finance institutions hold the power to protect, sustainably manage, and restore ecosystems through investments in nature-based solutions.

New Partnerships to Unlock A More Sustainable Future

Please join the United Nations Foundation, APCO Worldwide and leaders representing the private and public sectors, philanthropy, civil society, multilateral organizations and next generation of change-makers, to catalyze cross-sectoral collaboration to address today’s pressing challenges. This breakfast program will build further on the momentum of the UN General Assembly High-Level Week, Unlock the Future of Learning Festival and Transforming Education Summit and help inform partnership opportunities and contribute to critical processes in the lead-up to the Summit of the Future in 2023.

Tech for Democracy: Problems, Progress and the Copenhagen Pledge

This gathering will bring together senior leaders from across geographies and stakeholder groups based on their support for the Copenhagen Pledge on Tech for Democracy, launched by the Danish government last year.

The event will feature opening remarks by Microsoft President and Vice Chair Brad Smith followed by a keynote address from the Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs Jeppe Kofod. Subsequent panel discussions will feature leaders from government, industry and civil society exploring how digital technology can continue to be a force for improving lives and strengthening societies around the world in an inclusive manner. The event will culminate in the debut of a new Al art exhibit demonstrating how technology can empower human creativity.

Global Citizenship and Sustainability Education: Moving Beyond Awareness

For educators interested in global citizenship education & building a better understanding of sustainable, human flourishing in schools.

This one-hour online seminar is for educators and anyone interested in global citizenship education and building a better understanding of sustainable, human flourishing in education settings – or anything contained within SDG 4.7. Lyfta is a digital, immersive learning platform that brings the outside world into classrooms through real life human stories.

American Leadership in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals have been embraced in American boardrooms, city halls, and classrooms as a shared understanding of what it means to build a resilient future where no one is left behind.

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, the Center for Sustainable Development at the Brookings Institution and the United Nations Foundation will convene U.S. leaders from across sectors to discuss how they are using the Sustainable Development Goals to advance progress and build collaboration at home and around the world.

Responsible Business at the Forefront of South-South and Triangular Cooperation

Held on the sidelines of the Global South-South Development Expo in Thailand, this virtual side event will showcase concrete examples and lessons between the UN Global Compact, its Local Networks and participants, particularly at the regional level, on building back better from COVID-19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The event will showcase the inclusive and diverse nature of South-South and triangular cooperation that supports partnerships where each partner can contribute according to its own capacities and means, notably in the private sector.

Building an African Innovation Ecosystem in New York

With the aim to catalyze collaborations to advance the SDGs, this UNGA side event will highlight leading Africa-focused innovators from both sides of the Atlantic.

This year’s event will feature a vibrant discussion about the opportunities to do business and create impact between New York and African markets. It will also feature breakout sessions in emerging technology, remote work, sustainable fashion, startup investment, and health innovation.

Impact State of Mind 2022

Impact State of Mind is a three-day UNGA side event at the intersection of Climate Action and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Climate Change is the greatest challenge of our generation, but it’s not the only one! We are organizing this event because we believe we have a responsibility to help advance efforts to combat climate while also taking into account the many other urgent issues that demand our attention now.

Impact State of Mind brings together local and global innovators to explore various intersections through co-creation, fire-side chats, panels, and networking. Our partners bring together a mix of sessions that leverage their deep and authentic experiences, while engaging audiences to magnify impact.

CulinaryAction! On the Road!

CulinaryAction! On the Road! is a food-tech and gastronomy innovation event that includes a roundtable with leaders in the innovation space, a pitch competition, food, drinks, and networking.

Alliance Action Forum: Corporate Accountability

Measuring and evaluating business impact is a critical part of the successful delivery of 2030 Agenda. However, the world currently lacks a mechanism to hold its most influential companies accountable for their impact. This workshop with multi-stakeholder participants will look at how we can collectively embed business accountability into the UN’s core working principles and turn narrative into commitments.

Goals House at UNGA & Climate Week NYC

Goals House will be at UNGA 77, bringing together a community of internationally renowned activists, thinkers, political figures and business leaders that convene at global moments, united in the drive to achieve the UN SDGs.

Among the topics that will be discussed are achieving net-zero; the impact of the pandemic on education and healthcare; a sustainable fashion industry; modern slavery; circular cities; climate tech; and the role the private sector has to play in achieving the SDGs.

Global People’s Assembly

As we approach the halfway point in the Agenda 2030 it is clear that new policies and new approaches will be required if the Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved. The #FlipTheScript campaign speaks directly to many of the needed course corrections at the national and international levels. As a part of the campaign, CSOs are encouraged to sign up to a joint statement entitled “Time is Now: Act for Peace, Climate and Justice” here.

One of the main highlights of the Global Week to #Act4SDGs will be the 2022 Global People’s Assembly (GPA) involving activists from around the world in a three-day online forum taking place September 20-22. Led by the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) and network partners, including C4UN, this year’s GPA builds on national and regional preparatory events held in 30 locations around the world. See the GPA programme of events and activities. Zoom links are provided in the programme to register for each of the sessions.

SDG Booth (Public Stunt) | G17 University Ambassadors Consortium Bhutan

The G17 Bhutan Ambassadors of Sherubtse College will conduct an SDG booth to #FlipTheScript, creating awareness and compelling people to pledge solidarity for a sustainable future.

Each ambassador will create a painting or picture with a strong theme relevant to their goals. They will then present their creations to the university students and faculties.

Going Retro: Can Building Retrofits Deliver the Energy Resilience We Need?

Energy efficiency is not the new kid on the built environment block, but levels of attention and action remain generally poor. How should we rethink our energy strategies for the built environment? How do we move this issue to be treated with the same seriousness, political attention and investment as renewables and transport? And what is the role of this area in securing the energy independence and resiliency that governments now want?