Digitalization for the Decade of Action

Achieving SDG 16 through digital solutions to enable transparency and efficiency.

Technology has the potential to boost government efficiency, transparency, responsiveness, and citizen trust; it can enable the achievement of SDG 16 and can thus support all SDGs. However, the capacity to leverage technology for public sector transformation is uneven and challenged by the digital divide. This webinar will show good cases from the UN E-Government Survey 2020, and discuss how technology and the digital transformation can support the public sector and the achievement of the SDGs around the world.

Dine With Purpose: Food Systems (Panel & Cooking Demo)

A special event focused on the resilience of our global food systems and supply chains, hosted by AB InBev and the UN World Food Programme.

Panel discussion:

  • Dr Ute Klamert, Assistant Executive Director, UN World Food Programme
  • Rebecca Marmot, Chief Sustainability Officer, Unilever
  • Tony Milikin, Chief Procurement and Sustainability Officer, AB InBev
  • Vivek Bapat, Senior Vice President, Purpose and Brand Experience, SAP

And a discussion between:

  • Sabrina Dhowre Elba, Actress, Model and United Naঞons’ IFAD Goodwill Ambassador
  • Sara Mbago-Bhunu, Agricultural Economist and Director of IFAD’s East and Southern Africa Division

Followed by a live cooking-demonstration with James Cathcart, Head Chef at London’s plant-based restaurant group, Farmacy.

#globalgoals #goalshouse

Global GoalsCast LIVE: UNGA Wrap Up

Join us for the first ever LIVE Global GoalsCast taping that will be a wrap up to Global Goals Week. Cohosts Claudia Romo Edelman and Edie Lush will be joined by special guests to share key learnings and recommended follow up actions after a week filled with international dialogues, proposed solutions, and calls to action across the 17 Sustainable Development goals and beyond.

The live recording will be followed by a high-level networking opportunity to encourage the creation of networks of support that will continue long past the week’s end.

The Global Goals Studio: UNGA Week 2020

Global Goals Studio is an innovative, shared production space delivering programming to round-up key SDG headlines, developments and actions at UNGA across the following themes:

  • Equity in Global Health
  • Net Zero Carbon Economy
  • Gender and Racial Equality
  • Financing for Sustainable Development
  • Digitization, Innovation and Future of Work

Each day, the studio will serve as a landmark digital convening that will highlight key private, public and NGO voices on global issues, covering the priority themes of UNGA’s official agenda.

Watch live!

Webinar & Masterclass: Business & Purpose

Since the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, many businesses have taken them to heart, moved away from traditional Corporate Social Responsibility, and moved toward a deeper purpose. As we enter into the Decade of Action, facing a global pandemic and increased social unrest, governments and nonprofits cannot reach these goals alone. It has never been more important for businesses to join the effort.

Hosted by Can & Will, the creative studio at the heart of social impact, this event is for small to medium sized business owners who want to use the power of their business platforms to create sustainable change within their own communities. Business owners will gain industry insights and tools for defining an authentic purpose by integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into their business practices and marketing strategies.

Webinar & Masterclass: Business & Purpose

Since the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, many businesses have taken them to heart, moved away from traditional Corporate Social Responsibility, and moved toward a deeper purpose. As we enter into the Decade of Action, facing a global pandemic and increased social unrest, governments and nonprofits cannot reach these goals alone. It has never been more important for businesses to join the effort.

Hosted by Can & Will, the creative studio at the heart of social impact, this event is for small to medium sized business owners who want to use the power of their business platforms to create sustainable change within their own communities. Business owners will gain industry insights and tools for defining an authentic purpose by integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into their business practices and marketing strategies.

Science for a Sustainable Future

The world is facing a multitude of crises and as COVID-19 has spread, it has underscored how interconnected our world is and the importance of science in ensuring a sustainable future. Tackling each of these crises requires scientific knowledge and expertise for diagnosing challenges and developing solutions. Stronger international cooperation and greater collaboration between policymakers and scientists are needed to mobilize science to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in every country. 

On October 8 2020, Springer Nature and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) with its Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics (TReNDS) will host a three hour virtual conference on science for a sustainable future. This global virtual conference will bring together policymakers, government representatives, UN officials, as well as leading scientists from around the world to discuss the role of science in achieving the SDGs.

Ciclo de Webinars sobre los ODS: Juventud Rural activando sus economías

Within the framework of Agenda 2030, we believe that to achieve SDG 8, all young people must have access to formal and decent work. Rural youth have a fundamental role in the development of the country, since they are the main engine of economic growth as well as the guardians of food security. In spite of the limitations present in rural areas, many young people have been knocking them down through effort and dedication. They not only seek their personal well-being, but also benefit and empower their communities. We invite you to know the stories that encourage us to continue fighting and working for a more just Peru.

Primer foro “Juégatela por los ODS”

Through the forum “Play for the SDGs,” we discussed what the SDGs are and why they are important. With the help of the director of the SDG Regional Observatory of the Universidad of the Andes, we will provide relevant information about their implementation in LAC and specifically in Colombia, in relation to the My World 2030 survey. Allies of this event include SDG Regional Observatory of the University of the Andes.

Las juventudes rurales y los ODS

As part of SDG Action Week, we will talk about rural communities and the SDGs, learning how to work with them, what communities and youth are asking of the SDGs, and what the youth perspective on the SDG is. Allies include Youth Collective for Change and National Network of Youth Nicaragua.

Conociendo Los ODS

Allied organizations will support the diffusion of informative arts to generate a greater impact on the youth and to make them aware of the importance of the SDGs.

Allies include Eduserver, Generation 2020, Community Tourism Trails, Network of Leaders for Democracy and Development (RELIDD), SENTILUZ, Young People United for Transformation Through Art (JUNTARTE), Network of IKIGAI Leaders Lidera Transforma, Tejiendo Culture radio program, MUSA Inspiration That Nurtures, Willka Warmis Justice and Equity, The Messy Room, MEANING Guiding You to Success, and the Bolivian Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CEBEM).

Diálogo Loca ONU 75 El Salvador

Our activity will consist of publicizing the work of the United Nations and how it plays an important role in our society, mainly in El Salvador. Simultaneously, we will join efforts so that the voices of young people can be heard, and we will participate together in the UN 75 survey.

Comunidad 2030

For the week of the SDG, there will be a space in our School of Empowerment to promote the My World 2030 Survey for Peruvian girls. We will also engage in local dialogues on challenges to achieving greater momentum for the SDGs and Action Plan 2030.

Allies include Girl Up Sulans, Girl Up Cuzco, ONG Peruanísimo, and Visit for Good ONG.

Jóvenes por los ODS

There will be dissemination of the testimony of young people who carry out actions that contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs through short IGTV videos published during the month of September. Published content will include information about what the SDG are, as well as testimonials from youth inviting action for SDG compliance.

Allies include Chat Noir, Las Lomitas Volunteers, and the Pata Pila Franciscan Civil Association.

Foro ODS 13

This is a virtual forum on SDG 13 with panelists from San Carlos de Guatemala University, the Student Ecological Movement, Leaders for the Environment, and Collective Madre Selva.

Conferencia 1: Cambiar el mundo con acciones grandes y pequeñas

In this lecture, attendees will learn about the SDGs and were shown options of how to actively advocate for them and change our world to be more just and environmentally sustainable. Attendees will also have the opportunity to answer the My World Survey and the UN75 Survey.

Cumbre Internacional sobre el Tratado de Escazú

Participants discussed SDGs 11, Sustainable Cities & Communities, 13, Climate Action, and 17, Partnerships for the Goals.

Allies include Fridays for Future México, Environmental Rights and Human Resources, DAR, and 15 Girl Up Clubs of the United Nations Foundation.

La Carta de la Tierra y el Voto Simultáneo Regional de la Encuesta Mi Mundo 2030

This activity will be carried out through Teams with the students of the Professional School Isabel Herrera Obaldía, in which the antecedents of the objectives of sustainable development, SDG 12, Production and Responsible Consumption, and the Earth Charter will be discussed.

There will be a workshop on the dynamics of the SDGs, as well as a conversation with Professor Teresa Argüelles.