Ciclo de Webinars sobre los ODS: Juventud Rural activando sus economías

Within the framework of Agenda 2030, we believe that to achieve SDG 8, all young people must have access to formal and decent work. Rural youth have a fundamental role in the development of the country, since they are the main engine of economic growth as well as the guardians of food security. In spite of the limitations present in rural areas, many young people have been knocking them down through effort and dedication. They not only seek their personal well-being, but also benefit and empower their communities. We invite you to know the stories that encourage us to continue fighting and working for a more just Peru.

Conferencia: La Pobreza En Colombia

We will hold a conference with fellow political scientists from the Universidad El Bosque as part of SDG 1 in relation to Colombia. The objective of this conference is to look at different indexes and exercises that have been done to work on the sustainable development goals.

Primer foro “Juégatela por los ODS”

Through the forum “Play for the SDGs,” we discussed what the SDGs are and why they are important. With the help of the director of the SDG Regional Observatory of the Universidad of the Andes, we will provide relevant information about their implementation in LAC and specifically in Colombia, in relation to the My World 2030 survey. Allies of this event include SDG Regional Observatory of the University of the Andes.

Las ODS y su importancia dentro de las organizaciones juveniles

The purpose of this activity is to allow invited panelists to comment on the importance of the SDGs and to provide a message to the youth so that they can learn about the objectives of sustainable development. The activity will take place on Tuesday, September 29th through a live transmission from the website of Amtasiñani Bolivia.

Allies include Community Tourism Trails, Network of Leaders for Democracy and Development (RELIDD), SENTILUZ, Young People United for Transformation Through Art (JUNTARTE), Network of IKIGAI Leaders, Tejienddo Culture radio program, Inspiration That Nurtures, Willka Warmis Justice and Equity, The Messy Room, the Bolivian Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CEBEM), and more.

ODS y la Juventud

A virtual session will be held to strengthen SDGs 10 and 17, generate spaces for analysis, generate opinions regarding the position of the Youth and the development of the Agenda 2030, and influence the reduction of inequality.

Las juventudes rurales y los ODS

As part of SDG Action Week, we will talk about rural communities and the SDGs, learning how to work with them, what communities and youth are asking of the SDGs, and what the youth perspective on the SDG is. Allies include Youth Collective for Change and National Network of Youth Nicaragua.

Conociendo Los ODS

Allied organizations will support the diffusion of informative arts to generate a greater impact on the youth and to make them aware of the importance of the SDGs.

Allies include Eduserver, Generation 2020, Community Tourism Trails, Network of Leaders for Democracy and Development (RELIDD), SENTILUZ, Young People United for Transformation Through Art (JUNTARTE), Network of IKIGAI Leaders Lidera Transforma, Tejiendo Culture radio program, MUSA Inspiration That Nurtures, Willka Warmis Justice and Equity, The Messy Room, MEANING Guiding You to Success, and the Bolivian Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CEBEM).

Diálogo Loca ONU 75 El Salvador

Our activity will consist of publicizing the work of the United Nations and how it plays an important role in our society, mainly in El Salvador. Simultaneously, we will join efforts so that the voices of young people can be heard, and we will participate together in the UN 75 survey.

Dialogo Local: Voces Juveniles por la Acción Climática

This event seeks to amplify youth voices at a national level for the construction of the future that youth want.

Allies include One Five, Green C, Movement 0, Fridays for Future, Motum, Tremendas, Youth Against Extinction, and 1000 Shares For a Change.

Exposición de Sensibilización “Todos Podemos Lograrlo”

An exhibition will be developed in recognition of the work of artists with disabilities, in order to highlight their skills and strengths as actors of global change. Additionally, this event will note the importance of inclusion in the daily lives of children with disabilities or special lifestyles.

Allies for this event include Territory and Memory and Peace Youth Network.

Batalla Conceptiva

A didactic workshop will be held where information will be shared on the subject of sexual education, also mentioning the importance of the SDG 3, health and welfare, SDG 4, education, SDG 5, gender, and SDG 10, inequality.

Allies included Volunteers of David and Arequipa Interquorum Network.

Escuela de Empoderamiento Femenino

Empowerment School is a program that includes a series of interesting and important workshops to strengthen self-esteem and emotional intelligence.

Allies include the Municipality of Lima, Girl Up Sulans, and Girl Up Cuzco.

Comunidad 2030

For the week of the SDG, there will be a space in our School of Empowerment to promote the My World 2030 Survey for Peruvian girls. We will also engage in local dialogues on challenges to achieving greater momentum for the SDGs and Action Plan 2030.

Allies include Girl Up Sulans, Girl Up Cuzco, ONG Peruanísimo, and Visit for Good ONG.

Jóvenes por los ODS

There will be dissemination of the testimony of young people who carry out actions that contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs through short IGTV videos published during the month of September. Published content will include information about what the SDG are, as well as testimonials from youth inviting action for SDG compliance.

Allies include Chat Noir, Las Lomitas Volunteers, and the Pata Pila Franciscan Civil Association.

Foro ODS 13

This is a virtual forum on SDG 13 with panelists from San Carlos de Guatemala University, the Student Ecological Movement, Leaders for the Environment, and Collective Madre Selva.

Conferencia 1: Cambiar el mundo con acciones grandes y pequeñas

In this lecture, attendees will learn about the SDGs and were shown options of how to actively advocate for them and change our world to be more just and environmentally sustainable. Attendees will also have the opportunity to answer the My World Survey and the UN75 Survey.

Cumbre Internacional sobre el Tratado de Escazú

Participants discussed SDGs 11, Sustainable Cities & Communities, 13, Climate Action, and 17, Partnerships for the Goals.

Allies include Fridays for Future México, Environmental Rights and Human Resources, DAR, and 15 Girl Up Clubs of the United Nations Foundation.