LaLiga and Global Goals World Cup / EIR are joining forces to introduce a new female football league and scoring system with local implementing partner Rise for Good. Each team will play for a Global Goal and are scored in five point categories per match. The first game is taking place in Jordan.
Open Event
Accelerate2030 Meets Geneva: Unlocking Financing for the Missing Middle
Accelerate2030 entrepreneurs from developing and emerging markets will engage with the Geneva ecosystem to showcase their innovative and regenerative solutions for the SDGs. Through conversations with investors and development sector leaders, we will confront the financial gap and discuss innovative and tech-enabled solutions that could change the status-quo.
Commercially Scalable Global Health Solutions: Business Models & Co-Investment Partnerships to Drive Success
Investor interest in commercially scalable health technologies that meet system gaps in emerging markets is growing exponentially. Technology advances are being harnessed by entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, networks to scale. The absorptive capacity in the health sector of low- and middle-income countries is immense. This session draws on frontline experiences of successful companies, active investors and multilateral development stakeholders.
School Meals Coalition Week
The School Meals Coalition is launching the first School Meals Coalition Week: five days of virtual programming led by its members and partners from around the world.
The week is a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, learnings and input to showcase the power of school meals and chart the future of the Coalition.
2023 Concordia Annual Summit
Leveraging Concordia’s unwavering nonpartisan status and convening power, the 2023 Annual Summit will address the most pressing global issues of our time, from the role of the private sector in combating disinformation to the urgent steps needed to address today’s mental health crisis and advance environmental sustainability.
GBBC Blockchain Central UNGA
The Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) will convene its sixth annual Blockchain Central UNGA alongside the UN General Assembly in September, 2023.
This year, GBBC Blockchain Central UNGA will take place in New York City, to bring together thought leaders and changemakers across blockchain, government, technology, and business industries to examine how we can empower blockchain powered solutions to accelerate progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD)
The ICSD is a forum for academia, government, civil society, UN agencies, and the private sector to come together to share practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Parallel sessions, taking place virtually on September 19, include over 300 oral and poster research presentations in all time zones, and the plenary sessions, taking in-person and online on September 20, will feature UN leadership, heads of state, and other high-level keynote speakers and panel discussions.
2023 JCI RISE Virtual Summit
The JCI RISE Virtual Summit is a three-day online event led by inspiring speakers from numerous fields who will share their ideas, experiences, and knowledge to help young leaders navigate modern challenges.
Our Goal is to inspire young leaders to collaborate, exchange ideas, create positive impact, and RISE TOGETHER with a unified vision.
Young Pioneers Forum 2023
The Young Pioneers Forum at Global Goals Week is jointly organized by youth from 10+ countries – who will come together to cultivate ideas, solutions, and partnerships, with the goal to solve a wide range of complex global problems from social inequality to climate change.
The Forum will feature social impact-driven TED-style talks, dvocacy around local impact towards Agenda 2030, and tips on how to collectively build back better, greener, and stronger.
Better Together World Congress 2023
Co-creating and co-collaborating on our collective future is an important step in our global recovery. How can we advance an intergenerational approach towards Agenda 2030? Join youth from around the world as they present their real-life impact through building intergenerational initiatives.
Co-designed by youth from 10+ countries, this World Congress will feature SDG innovation showcases, SDG focus groups and SDG network events.
KIDsforSDGs Annual Impact Meeting 2023
AIM 2023 celebrates the organization’s global membership reaching over 60 countries. Co-curated and co-designed by youth from 15 countries, the event will focus on three pillars of impact: political, economic, and social (and how they intersect).
The emphasis is on youth being provided with a platform for co-creating a collective future where the outputs lead to outcomes shared by all of society. Together, we can AIM higher!
Forever Youth Festival 2023
Youth is both a physical and mental state of being. Through emphasizing holistic health and well-being, we can build a sound and sustainable foundation for humankind to better co-exist with our planet.
Emphasizing healthtech, biotech, medtech and foodtech, the Festival is co-curated by global youth, and will feature presentations by health advocates, showcases by researchers, and case studies of higher learning in health.
Global Goals Fellows Forum 2023
In support of the UN resolution recognizing the importance of the social and solidarity economy, the Forum will present on how to adopt the Global Goals into the blueprint of any organization — for-profit, not-for-profit, and anywhere in between.
Through a four-pillared “HERO” approach (Humanitarianism, Empowerment, Resourcefulness and Opportunity), the Global Goals Fellows will guide us on how to be HEROes for future generations.
Forum of the Future 2023
Successful long-term development requires active conversations and debate, to ensure blueprints remain aligned with changes in global affairs. Echoing this need, the youth-led Forum of the Future will organize a Global Goals Week event to advance, on an intergenerational and international basis, the future of economics, sciences, technology, investments, internationalism, sustainability, law, and more.
ASPIRE 2030 Assembly 2023
Young people are gifted with open minds, and they are bringing their energy, ideas, and courage to some of the most complex and important challenges facing the human family. They understand better than older generations that we can transcend our cultural differences in order to reach our shared goals
To celebrate Global Goals Week, the ASPIRE 2030 Assembly will feature impact-driven masterclasses, youth panels and thematic presentations.
Forum of the Future: Future of Economics
Future of Economics is a youth-led think tank which, through an interdisciplinary approach to learning and applying economics, fosters multi-stakeholder action towards stable economic growth and a thriving society as a result.
To collectively advance towards long-term prosperity, the Future of Economics Forum will, united by the THRIVE Framework, host research showcases and experimental workshops on eight key areas of economics.
Business Fights Poverty Global Goals Summit 2023
The annual Business Fights Poverty Global Goals Summit will focus on collaborating for an equitable and resilient future. Amidst a confluence of global challenges, this is a timely opportunity to reflect and reinvigorate business partnerships vital to accelerating progress towards the world we want. Topics include scaling entrepreneurial solutions, empowering women refugee entrepreneurs, and maximizing AI’s social impact. Join us and help drive collaboration.
Register for free with the promo code BFPGG23.
Solutions Hub
The Solutions Hub is a one-day convergence of changemakers, thought leaders, supporters, and partners that are dedicated to inspiring and catalyzing progress, while highlighting youth-led solutions for global change. This immersive and interactive experience will showcase a range of unique perspectives, innovation, and leadership experiences from our dedicated and young changemakers and esteemed partners.
Limited tickets are available for GGW partners. Email [email protected] for further details.
Lyfta Live Lesson for Schools – Life on Land
Lyfta, the immersive human story company, is offering schools a free live lesson as part of Global Goals Week. They will be sharing a brand new story world: “The Island Biologist.” Lyfta’s in-house teacher will run this lesson via Zoom and will take students through 360° spaces and a powerful short documentary. Students will have the opportunity to share their own thoughts and reflections with other schools attending. The session is 45 minutes long.
Lyfta Live Lesson for Schools – Life on Land
Lyfta, the immersive human story company, is offering schools a free live lesson as part of Global Goals Week. They will be sharing a brand new story world: “The Island Biologist.” Lyfta’s in-house teacher will run this lesson via Zoom and will take students through 360° spaces and a powerful short documentary. Students will have the opportunity to share their own thoughts and reflections with other schools attending. The session is 45 minutes long.