SDG Booth (Public Stunt) | G17 University Ambassadors Consortium Bhutan

The G17 Bhutan Ambassadors of Sherubtse College will conduct an SDG booth to #FlipTheScript, creating awareness and compelling people to pledge solidarity for a sustainable future.

Each ambassador will create a painting or picture with a strong theme relevant to their goals. They will then present their creations to the university students and faculties.

Emancipating Education: Perspectives and Challenges in Transforming the Education System

Join us for a conversation on opportunities to advance equality through innovative education reforms with Nadiem Anwar Makarim, Minister of Education, Indonesia. This conversation will be moderated by Dana Burde, Director of the International Education Program at the NYU Steinhardt School.

This discussion will present the key aspects of Indonesia’s ambitious plan for educational reform; explore the opportunities and challenges of transforming education systems; reflect on the role of education reform in facing the hardships brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, including the digital divide and regional inequalities; and learn from Indonesia’s experience in promoting innovation to deliver change and improve livelihoods.

#PoweringJobs Census 2022: Focus on India

Power for All, the global initiative to end energy poverty, will release its second Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) jobs India report on September 27. The industry’s most comprehensive employment research shows that increased demand for DRE solutions continues to create thousands of formal and informal jobs in the sector. It is becoming a major employment engine, especially for remote areas in emerging and developing economies where poverty and unemployment levels are high.

The New Climate Reality: Responding to Complex and Connected Crises

Our world is connected, complex and changing. The impacts of climate change are compounding existing and growing global crises: from energy and supply chain pressures, to food and economic inequalities. These crises are impacting progress on climate, too. Ahead of COP27, what should be the international response to the multiple interlinked crises we are now experiencing?

Getting It Done: Now or Never for Bold Leadership

Current climate leadership is not working well enough. Emissions aren’t peaking and are not on course for the 50% drop we need to see in this decade. It’s now or never for bold climate leadership in all forms. We need entire sectors to move as one, as well as leaders and innovators in business and government to push us forward further and faster. This session explores how leadership must change to keep us on track.

Global People’s Assembly

As we approach the halfway point in the Agenda 2030 it is clear that new policies and new approaches will be required if the Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved. The #FlipTheScript campaign speaks directly to many of the needed course corrections at the national and international levels. As a part of the campaign, CSOs are encouraged to sign up to a joint statement entitled “Time is Now: Act for Peace, Climate and Justice” here.

One of the main highlights of the Global Week to #Act4SDGs will be the 2022 Global People’s Assembly (GPA) involving activists from around the world in a three-day online forum taking place September 20-22. Led by the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) and network partners, including C4UN, this year’s GPA builds on national and regional preparatory events held in 30 locations around the world. See the GPA programme of events and activities. Zoom links are provided in the programme to register for each of the sessions.

Getting It Done: Being Accountable

Committing to climate action means nothing without accountability. We all need to hold ourselves answerable to the promises we’ve made, and we all play a part in holding others to their commitments – especially those who aren’t committing at all. With climate strategies and actions being scrutinized more than ever, being accountable must become as important as the commitments themselves.

The New Climate Reality: Energy Certainty in an Uncertain World

As the world faces the biggest energy crises in this century, creating access to clean, affordable, and reliable energy in a resilient system must become a priority. But we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground. So how can the world double down on clean energy strategies to meet demand, deliver security of supply and build energy independence? And how can we deliver short-term solutions to addressing the current crises without turning on the taps for fossil fuels and undermining our long-term goals?

Goals House at UNGA & Climate Week NYC

Goals House will be at UNGA 77, bringing together a community of internationally renowned activists, thinkers, political figures and business leaders that convene at global moments, united in the drive to achieve the UN SDGs.

Among the topics that will be discussed are achieving net-zero; the impact of the pandemic on education and healthcare; a sustainable fashion industry; modern slavery; circular cities; climate tech; and the role the private sector has to play in achieving the SDGs.

Global Goals Week: Liverpool 2022

Global Goals Week: Liverpool is a week of local events, launches and coordinated support for international themes based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals whilst recognising the different challenges and opportunities in and around our home city. In addition to events and project announcements, 2030hub launches a call to action to all organisations across Liverpool City Region to share their own sustainability stories and successes.

Powering Jobs Census 2022: The Energy Access Workforce

Join us on 19 September 2022 at 10:00 am ET as we launch the findings of the Powering Jobs Census 2022: The Energy Access Workforce. To create advocacy and awareness around the immediate need to increase the human capacity pipeline for the DRE sector, Power for All is launching the Powering Jobs Census 2022: The Energy Access Workforce report. It compiles findings from a comprehensive survey conducted across five countries (Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda).

#2030NOW: On Track, Off Track or Stalled

With eight years left to make progress on the 2030 Agenda, whether we can still achieve the Global Goals is the big question on the front burner of conversations. Intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 2 billion individuals have been pushed back into extreme poverty with a significant number of children unable to return to school post-pandemic. This event will measure our progress on the SDGs and determine a way forward.

Alliance Action Forum: Corporate Accountability

Measuring and evaluating business impact is a critical part of the successful delivery of 2030 Agenda. However, the world currently lacks a mechanism to hold its most influential companies accountable for their impact. This workshop with multi-stakeholder participants will look at how we can collectively embed business accountability into the UN’s core working principles and turn narrative into commitments.

The Amazon We Want: Science Based Pathways for a Sustainable, Inclusive, and Resilient Amazon

In light of the UNGA 77 focus of “International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development”, the Science Panel for the Amazon will gather to cover the state of the Amazon since the launch of the landmark Amazon Assessment Report at COP26, what is at stake with the loss of the Amazon, and the solutions offered in the report that can catalyze sustainable development in the region and beyond. This event will make a case to mobilize policymakers, practitioners, and researchers into action using the many solutions offered in the Amazon Assessment Report.

The role of corporate accountability in an effective global governance system

This discussion, co-hosted by the World Benchmarking Alliance and the Governments of Mexico and The Netherlands, will consider how strengthened corporate accountability could empower governments and intergovernmental organisations to effectively involve the world’s most influential companies in implementing the 2030 Agenda and hold them to account on their commitments and progress.

7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC)

The 7IMDC is building on the momentum of past IMDCs by bringing together governments, industry, academia, civil society, and all relevant stakeholders, to discuss the latest science, strengthen collaborations, find solutions and catalyze action to address the urgent, global problem of marine litter and plastic pollution.

17 Books: Higher Education and the SDGs

Emerald Publishing’s book series, Higher Education & the SDGs, launches at the United Nations Transforming Education Summit on September 16, 2022 at 10AM Eastern with its first webinar discussion as part of an upcoming series in partnership with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth.

Befitting the Summit’s ‘Youth Mobilization’ theme that the day, Series Editor Dr. Wendy M. Purcell will be joined by students and some of her book editors from the series to explore the role of higher education in delivering the SDGs to help create a world that leaves no one behind.

Impact State of Mind 2022

Impact State of Mind is a three-day UNGA side event at the intersection of Climate Action and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Climate Change is the greatest challenge of our generation, but it’s not the only one! We are organizing this event because we believe we have a responsibility to help advance efforts to combat climate while also taking into account the many other urgent issues that demand our attention now.

Impact State of Mind brings together local and global innovators to explore various intersections through co-creation, fire-side chats, panels, and networking. Our partners bring together a mix of sessions that leverage their deep and authentic experiences, while engaging audiences to magnify impact.

Building an African Innovation Ecosystem in New York

With the aim to catalyze collaborations to advance the SDGs, this UNGA side event will highlight leading Africa-focused innovators from both sides of the Atlantic.

This year’s event will feature a vibrant discussion about the opportunities to do business and create impact between New York and African markets. It will also feature breakout sessions in emerging technology, remote work, sustainable fashion, startup investment, and health innovation.