Digital Innovation to Support Progress of Gender Equality (SDG5) and Economic Opportunity (SDG8)

In the aftermath of the global pandemic, communities around the world still face hardships in their road to recovery–and women have been particularly hard hit. Now more than ever, innovation and collaboration is needed across partners, organizations and governments to support SDG 5 and SDG 8, to accelerate recovery and growth for women, their families, communities and the economy. Join us for a discussion on how business leaders, entrepreneurs, gender equality and sustainability practitioners from around the world are leveraging new technologies, strategies, and programs for SDG 5 and SDG 8.

Accelerating Supplier Climate Education and Action

Addressing the carbon impacts beyond a company’s direct operations is one of the biggest challenges and areas of opportunity for global businesses. Large corporations can significantly contribute to the need for collective climate action by bringing their suppliers along the greenhouse gas emissions reduction journey, but where do they begin?

Join Estée Lauder Companies and Supplier on Leadership on Climate Transition (S-LoCT) for a discussion on reducing these wide-ranging emissions.

The Scope 3 Challenge

The number of net zero commitments has grown dramatically in recent years. The challenge now facing business is building on this momentum and turning ambitious commitments into meaningful action. One of the keys to success is understanding Scope 3 and having a clear view of emissions across your entire value chain. Understanding Scope 3 emission presents new but necessary challenges.

In this closed-door roundtable discussion, we will explore how to navigate these challenges when they arise.

Coming Together: ESG and the Future of the Finance Function

In March 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission released its climate change disclosure rule proposal. For companies committed to their green agendas, the proposal has sparked critical questions about their approach to compliance and its impact on their business. Chief among them: who is going to lead the way? How do the finance and sustainability functions need to work together and adapt? And how can we tech-enable our processes? For many, the answer is creating a new ESG council.

Carbon’s Seat at Your Leadership Table

Two clear messages emerged from ENGIE Impact’s 2021 Net Zero Corporate Readiness Survey: corporations believe they can decarbonize but the operational fundamentals to enable Net Zero transformations aren’t yet in place.

As leadership, you’ve seen – and are excited by – the decarbonization roadmap that’s been developed. You’ve approved the budget and are anxiously waiting for the appropriate teams to deliver. Then the delays begin. In this session we will collectively discuss the readiness gaps between leadership and operational levels, the various hurdles that exist to implementing far-reaching strategies, and how to measure carbon the same way as other strategic assets.

Global Africa Business Initiative

Under the leadership of the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Amina J. Mohammed, the inaugural Global Africa Business Initiative is designed to place Africa in its proper spot on the world stage, bringing to focus a roadmap for Africa that is sustainable, inclusive, just, and managed by Africans for Africans. The conference will take place during the United Nations General Assembly week from 18-19 September 2022. There will be robust dives on how Africa offers a powerful business ecosystem when activated brings prosperity to all Africans and citizens of the world.

Going Retro: Can Building Retrofits Deliver the Energy Resilience We Need?

Energy efficiency is not the new kid on the built environment block, but levels of attention and action remain generally poor. How should we rethink our energy strategies for the built environment? How do we move this issue to be treated with the same seriousness, political attention and investment as renewables and transport? And what is the role of this area in securing the energy independence and resiliency that governments now want?

Is Anyone really Leading on Supply Chain Emissions Reduction?

If supply chain and scope 3 emissions are not at the top of your to-do list, then you’re already falling behind. In this decade, companies need to figure out how to tackle supply chain emissions. But right now, companies are simply not acting at the speed and scale needed to decarbonize their supply chains. And, if they were, how would we know?

Are we there yet? Steering the global market towards EV100

Climate Week NYC 2022 marks the fifth anniversary of Climate Group’s global electric transport initiative, EV100. For five years, members – including some of the world’s largest businesses – have been leading the way in driving the electric vehicle transition globally. But change must happen faster. Can our success and current progress steer global markets towards EV100?

RE100 Leadership Awards

The RE100 Leadership Awards celebrate the pioneering and ambitious work of RE100 members who are transforming the renewable electricity sector. Join us live as we announce the winners of this year’s awards.

RE100 Member’s Forum

For our annual RE100’s member’s forum, we are inviting members to join us for an in-depth discussion on the progress and future direction of the initiative. In this closed-door session, members will gain exclusive insight into how RE100 is focusing on policy advocacy to accelerate the transition to 100% renewable power.

We Need to Talk about Methane: Why Net Zero isn’t just about CO2

Reducing methane emissions might be the single most effective strategy to limit global warming, so why do we mainly talk in terms of carbon emissions? We know methane matters. What action is needed to deliver on the Global Methane Pledge agreed on at COP26, and can we go farther?

Taking a Bite out of Emissions: Can a Climate-Smart Food System Transform Agriculture Supply Chains?

With global food systems responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, we must drastically rethink how we produce, process, package, distribute and consume food if we’re to reach the world’s climate targets while feeding a growing population. Join us to hear how businesses and governments can use their purchasing power and influence to decarbonize food supply chains in a way that’s productive, resilient and equitable.

India’s Big Idea: A Roadmap for Net Zero

By 2030, India’s green economy could contribute more than $1 trillion globally. By 2050, this could rise to $15 trillion. In this event, we’ll ask critical influencers from government, business and wider society to explore how we can unlock the opportunities presented by greater climate action in India.