The SDG Action Zone is the foremost collaborative space for engaging world leaders and emerging leaders to supercharge and accelerate solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Over the course of three days during the UN General Assembly on 22-24 September, the SDG Action Zone will convene leading thinkers, actors, creators, and activists through frank debate, challenging discussions, inspiring showcases and interactive exhibitions to drive the exponential change so needed for people and our planet.
A fully virtual SDG Action Zone has the power to create a more transparent, open, and inclusive UN General Assembly The programme will be crowd-sourced through a call for sessions, talks and creative content from people and key actors around the world.
A combination of live broadcasts and online sessions, the SDG Action Zone will provide space for deeper conversations, collaboration and experiences on three core areas for accelerating action on the Goals: People, Planet and Partnerships.
This year’s SDG Business Forum, co-hosted by UN Global Compact, UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs (UN DESA) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), coincides with the start of the UN’s Decade of Action to deliver the SDGs. Now in its fifth year, the SDG Business Forum will showcase companies that are using their influence to lead the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Through panels and keynotes, the SDG Business Forum will examine a new form of leadership that has emerged during this crisis – a generation of executives and rising professionals who understand that there are no successful businesses in a failing world. In this context, the private sector – in partnership with governments and civil society leaders – is leveraging the framework of the SDGs to respond to immediate threats in their communities and remedy three critical fragilities which have been exposed by events of 2020: climate change and nature loss; social inequality; and economic exclusion.
This fall, BridgingTheGap Ventures is organizing the inaugural YOUNGA™ Forum, making history as the first-of-its-kind global youth town hall using VR and XR technology. Through an inclusive, forward-looking youth-driven dialogue, YOUNGA will connect young people directly with influential decision-makers and industry leaders to co-create solutions for a more inclusive, sustainable world.
From September 28-30, 1,500 Youth Delegates from around the world will be participating in 35+ Innovation Masterminds, hosted by partners.
Welcome to the world’s first activist 5v5 football tournament. GGWCup is an all-women 5v5 football tournament for the Global Goals. To qualify as a team, you have to choose one of the 17 UN Global Goals to play and take action for. Details and match day schedule will be revealed soon.
Please reach out to GGWCUP co-founder Majken Gilmartin and Rise for Good team, to hear more about the opportunities to join the coalition of sports for sustainable development in Amman, Jordan in 2020.