A webinar and in-person series featuring perspectives from current and former policymakers, in addition to senior think tank and practitioner representatives with valuable policy insights, by CFA Society New York, sponsored by CFA Institute, and presented in partnership with the Foreign Policy Association.
Global Policymakers Series (GPS) is a collection of exclusive events that convene current and former policymakers, in addition to senior think tank representatives with valuable policy insights, for technical discussions concerning the impact of regulatory, multilateral, fiscal and monetary policies on financial markets and the global economy. GPS launched in June 2020 owing to the critical role policy decisions were playing on investment performance in light of COVID-19.
Monetary and fiscal policy response were taken to unprecedented levels during the Great Recession. The policy response to the financial stresses brought by COVID-19 is likely to exceed the response during the Great Recession. Longer-term, global public pension underfunding, increasing sovereign debt levels, entitlement underfunding and the risks presented to some sectors by technological innovations may require even larger policy responses. GPS will dig deep into these topics and go well beyond the headlines and political noise that obscure real debate and analysis.
Convened by the UN Secretary-General, the SDG Moment consists of a three-hour virtual meeting with Heads of State and Government and SDG partners. The meeting will seek to strengthen accountability and create a sense of urgency, ambition and transformative possibility around the Decade of Action. It will also serve to underscore the importance of the 2030 Agenda as the north star for the COVID-19 response and recovery. The meeting will place a strong emphasis on priorities relating to poverty and inequality; climate change and nature; and gender equality, while cross-cutting issues such as finance, human rights and technology will be considered throughout.
Join the Peace One Day Live Global Digital Experience on the UN International Day of Peace on September 21 2020. This ground breaking virtual event, produced by Jeremy Gilley and Jude Law, will be broadcast live to every continent in the world, connecting the most incredible international speakers, actors and musicians for a full day of online digital experience and to raise awareness of Peace Day, and ultimately spread the message of peace and non-violence throughout the world. What’s more, is that it’s absolutely free to register for this incredible digital experience.
The tourism sector accounts for more than 30 percent of total exports in many SIDS. As a result of the lockdowns and travel restrictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, international tourism is plummeting. UNWTO estimates that international arrivals in SIDS globally dropped 47 percent from January to April, in the month of April arrivals dropped by 97 percent. This shock is having major direct and indirect impacts for livelihoods in SIDS, impacting on foreign exchange earnings, employment and wages and tax revenues furthermore many MSMEs rely heavily on revenue from tourism. As an important source of employment, the sharp decline in tourism in SIDS is increasing precarity, putting especially informal workers at risk many of whom are women.
This interactive discussion will focus on building forward tourism in SIDS better, greener and bluer. It will bring together key experts to discuss how SIDS can advance the environmental, economic and socio-cultural sustainability of their tourism sectors promoting the industry as a driver towards realizing ambitions of the SAMOA Pathway and the Decade of Action post COVID-19.
With COVID-19 impacting the world over, the 75th United Nations General Assembly Week (UNGA) will be a key moment in the 2020 calendar for the world to focus on social and environmental challenges and accelerate collaborations to meet the Global Goals.
This roundtable is part of a series of virtual events, which Business in the Community (BITC) is running to elevate the conversation and drive action on how business can Build Back Responsibly.
Over the last month, we have been in conversation with over 100 business leaders and a further 500 practitioners and partners, to understand what Covid-19 has taught us about how we could turn ambitions into action. Now is our moment to not simply slip back to a new normal, seeing the last few months as a series of heroic acts, but instead to seize the opportunity to accelerate action. So to coincide with this year’s United Nations General Assembly week, we will be bringing together influential business leaders across our network to create faster, bolder, bigger action.
This event is by invite only. For more information, contact Elena Perez, BITC’s Events Manager, at [email protected]
The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons has been observed annually since 2014. This High-level plenary is to commemorate and promote this International Day and to discuss the prohibition of nuclear weapon possession, development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer and use or threat of use.
The UN General Assembly will convene a high-level meeting to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW), which took place in Beijing, China in September 1995. UNGA resolution 73/249 calls for a one-day meeting on the margins of the general debate of the 75th UNGA session to review the “Beijing Platform for Action”. The Platform identifies 12 “critical areas of concern”: poverty, education and training, health, violence, armed conflict, economy, power and decision-making, institutional mechanisms, human rights, media, environment, and the girl child.
The Summit will highlight the crisis facing humanity from the degradation of biodiversity and the urgent need to accelerate action on biodiversity for sustainable development. It will provide an opportunity for Heads of State and Government and other leaders to raise ambition for the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be adopted at the 15th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2021. This framework, and its effective implementation, must put nature on a path to recovery by 2030 to meet the SDGs and realize the Vision of “Living in harmony with nature”.
Theme: “Urgent action on biodiversity for sustainable development.”
Join us for a week of inspiring and engaging content, live events, peer networking, and community-led learning to drive connections, conversations, and collaboration around how we rebuild better after the pandemic. The event will explore how business and its partners can help create an equitable and resilient future, and each day we will deep-dive into a specific theme:
- Imagining the Future We Want (Monday);
- Creating an Equitable World (Tuesday);
- Helping People Survive and Thrive (Wednesday);
- Building Resilient Livelihoods (Thursday);
- Shaping System-Level Partnerships (Friday).
The event is co-hosted with AB InBev and Visa, and a range of supporting partners, including Anglo American, Mars, Nestlé, and Standard Chartered. Content partners include Harvard Kennedy School Corporate Responsibility Initiative, the UN Office for Partnerships, WBCSD, Business in the Community, The Partnering Initiative, and the League of Intrapreneurs.
To coincide with the 75th UN General Assembly, UNDP and partners are creating a four-day “Nature for Life Hub”- a virtual space where global leaders will share stories on the importance of nature for sustainable development. Leaders participating in the ‘Nature for Life Hub’ will invite a virtual audience to engage in lively, thought-provoking exchanges, and will engage a wide variety of sectors, including governments, businesses, financial institutions, youth and local communities. All events will showcase nature-based solutions in policy, in practice, in communities, in art – but most of all, in action.
Sept 28, Day 3 – GLOBAL AMBITION DAY: A planetary response to our planetary emergency.
Sept 29, Day 4 – COMMUNITY DAY: Celebrating the power of local action, and the role of indigenous peoples and local communities in our planetary response.
Each day will culminate in key messages to be issued by the coalition of partners to be fed into the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework negotiation process, CBD COP 15 and Climate COP 26 negotiation processes.
To coincide with the 75th UN General Assembly, UNDP and partners are creating a four-day “Nature for Life Hub”- a virtual space where global leaders will share stories on the importance of nature for sustainable development. Leaders participating in the ‘Nature for Life Hub’ will invite a virtual audience to engage in lively, thought-provoking exchanges, and will engage a wide variety of sectors, including governments, businesses, financial institutions, youth and local communities. All events will showcase nature-based solutions in policy, in practice, in communities, in art – but most of all, in action.
Sept 24, DAY 1 – SDG DAY: Celebrating the value of nature in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sept 25, DAY 2 – BUSINESS AND FINANCE DAY – Greening our wallet in development, finance and business.
Each day will culminate in key messages to be issued by the coalition of partners to be fed into the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework negotiation process, CBD COP 15 and Climate COP 26 negotiation processes.
The Global Blockchain Business Council’s (GBBC) Blockchain Central UNGA will bring together leading voices in technology, policy, and business to discuss the role of technology and community in accelerating progress toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
This year’s Blockchain Central UNGA will be entirely virtual, open to the public, and live-streamed, allowing stakeholders and citizens across the globe to tune into thought provoking discussions, fireside chats, and presentations on the issues our global community is tackling to create a more secure, equitable, and functional societies for all.
Keynote Speakers:
Akon, Grammy-nominated Artist, Producer, Tech Entrepreneur
Megan Roberts, Deputy Director of Policy Planning, UN Foundation
Superintendent Linda Lacewell, NYS Department of Financial Services
David Treat, GBBC Board Chair; Senior Managing Director & Head of Accenture’s Blockchain Business
Leanne Kemp, Founder & CEO, Everledger; Chief Entrepreneur, Queensland, Australia
Charles Sims, Head of Technology, LA Clippers
Our fifth anniversary is coming up and we’re getting ready to celebrate. On September 25, we’re hosting a virtual gathering to launch the publication of our five-year report, to reflect on progress since our founding in 2015, and most importantly, to hear from you. We want to hear about your favorite data memories, some of the biggest challenges you’ve worked through, the biggest difference in SDG data that you see now versus five years ago, and we want your input on what the next five years should look like.
Have something to share? Send us an email, tweet it with #Data4SDGsAt5, and/or come to the townhall. We’ll see you online.
This webinar marks the launch of Business in the Community’s Responsible Innovation methodology, including a panel of expert innovators. Every company is innovating daily just to stay ahead, and even more so as we look to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. But to what extent are the impacts of these innovations on our communities and environment considered? This year has seen Business in the Community develop and pilot a new approach to responsible innovation, which enables innovators to identify and mitigate unintended consequences and capitalize on opportunities to support our communities, protect our environment and meet the Global Goals. Responsible innovation has been shown to reduce risk and bring cost reductions, improved brand value, increased resilience, enhanced employee, customer and supplier relationships, and ultimately, more innovation. By joining this webinar, you will receive the tools needed to put the Responsible Innovation Framework into practice within your businesses. There will also be opportunities to collaborate and innovate responsibly together.
For more information, contact Elena Perez, Events Manager at BITC, [email protected].
The impact of Covid-19 has been unprecedented, not just in the tragic impact on lives, or the disproportional impact it has had on the most disadvantaged communities, but also in terms of what we have seen can be achieved. As lockdown restrictions ease and we all negotiate living in a ‘new normal’ we must not lose the opportunity to understand what factors made change happen at a pace previously unimaginable, and apply this to address the underlying inequalities and climate challenges that existed before Covid-19 that it has so dramatically highlighted. To drive this, Business in the Community has spent the last month in conversation with over 100 business leaders and a further 500 practitioners and partners to understand what Covid-19 has taught us about how we could turn ambitions into action. Now is our moment to not simply slip back to a new normal, seeing the last few months as a series of heroic acts, but instead to seize the opportunity to accelerate action. Join us to hear and share your thoughts with a diverse panel of business game changers on their experiences and reflections, and how they plan to take these actions forward in their businesses to Build Back Responsibly.
The Hub Live is the first fully digital Hub event program at Climate Week NYC 2020. Taking place online on September 22 – 24, leaders and practitioners are invited to come together and tackle key challenges in climate and environmental leadership within this energized forum and networking space. Now in its third year, The Hub Live will feature a series of events, discussions and workshops that bring together the expertise, influence and ambition of business and government leadership. Here, those with the power and opportunity to build a better future can meet, collaborate, negotiate and inspire each other. The Hub Live is an invite-only event.
To apply to attend, you should fulfill one of the following requirements:
- An executive or senior decision maker, from a leading and influential business committed to climate action,
- A senior level government representative (national, state, regional or city) focused on ambitious climate action and impactful climate policy,
- A senior actor representing a multi-lateral organization, non-governmental organization, academia or public engagement institution with significant impact and influence,
- All attendees must be senior decision makers with a significant opportunity to demonstrate and influence ambitious climate action.
The Climate Week NYC Opening Ceremony brings together business and government leaders to showcase amazing climate action and find ways to do more. The Climate Group will broadcast the Climate Week NYC Opening Ceremony through both an interactive online digital platform for sector leaders and on an open on-demand platform for public viewers.
The International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) provides a forum for academia, government, civil society, UN agencies, and the private sector to come together to share practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
ICSD brings together professionals from the private sector, academia, government, and civil society, along with students from the world’s top universities. They welcome participants from all sectors and experience levels.
The Sustainable Development Impact summit is the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting for integrating and leveraging the best examples of public-private cooperation, systems thinking and Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies to develop the Sustainable Development Agenda.
Taking place during the United Nations General Assembly, the summit engages the most relevant and influential leaders across business, government, civil society, NGOs and academia to collaborate on and address the world’s most pressing problems.
The world as we know it is changing, and now more than ever before, global connection is essential if we are to address today’s uncertain future. This five-day 10th Annual Summit will provide a non-partisan platform for world leaders to share their vision in an open, transparent, and inclusive forum. Crucially, it will prompt those hard, but necessary, conversations with heads of state, CEOs, NGO executives, and change makers, but also with those directly affected by the issues causing division across the globe.
*2020 Annual Summit registration to open on August 3, 2020*