Calculating the Cure: AI and COVID-19

A discussion on how to use artificial intelligence (AI) and bioinformatics to find candidate drugs for repurposing to meet the challenges of Covid-19. Identifying existing drugs currently on the market to treat a variety of conditions that could also be used to treat COVID-19 offers an opportunity to quickly meet an urgent need, since existing drugs have already completed extensive trials and are available in the market.

Quickly knowing which drugs could be effective in the fight against COVID-19, and what side effects could be expected, is vital, but the number of drugs on the market is vast. This discussion examines the role AI and bioinformatics can play in finding rapid solutions to a rapidly spreading healthcare crisis.

Launch of Special Edition E-Book: Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined

WISE’s (World Innovation Summit for Education) Special Edition E-Book, Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined: Thoughts and Responses from Education’s Frontline During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond will be launched followed by a panel discussion, which will feature speakers from WISE, our partner in producing this book, Salzburg Global Seminar, and other e-book contributors.

Educate to Eradicate: Extremism, what’s next post COVID-19?

The pandemic has come with an imminent threat to global economies and hence, societal peace, a fertile ground for desperation and extremism. The role of education is perhaps more crucial than ever to keep such developments at bay. What needs to be done?

Global Goals Day of Factivism

We need accurate data to help us understand the state of our world, know how much progress we need to make and see the impacts of COVID-19.

For 25 September, the five year anniversary of the Global Goals, Project Everyone is organising the Global Goals Day of Factivism. On this day, we will share ten up to date facts about the state of our world right now and inspire people to take action from supporting campaigns to changing their habits.

Multilateralism in Crisis

QatarDebate is hosting a virtual debate on the efficacy and challenges to multilateralism, in the context of recent world events, such as a global pandemic. A group of talented university debaters will exchange arguments on whether multilateralism has been a success, or a failed experiment.

Join us as we find the inspiration for new ideas, solutions, and partnerships that will fuel our determination towards addressing the wide range of complex global problems facing humanity.

Localizing Change – Think Global, Act Local

We have heard the phrase “Think Global, Act Local,” as a catch-all phrase for grassroots impact, but what does it truly mean in action? We have seen bold actions recently of human compassion, local communities protecting refugees, food and farm activists transforming urban farming, advancing local alternatives to clean energy and water, and local movements driving global change. How can we adopt this mindset into our work as young leaders to transform the world and achieve the SDGs by 2030?

FEMROOT Africa: The Importance of Females in Science, Tech, and Innovation in the African Context

This roundtable discussion will highlight the importance of science, technology and innovation (STI) in an African context, indicating how these are the driving forces in the economic growth of especially in developing nations. This discussion will also point out the need for women to be a part of this conversation, as it will be facilitated by women in engineering, thus indicating the importance of diverse team in the tech industry. All these discussion points will be dwelling on SDGs 4 and 5 (Access to Quality Education and Gender Equality), which ultimately feed into the achievement SDGs 1, 2, 8, 9 (No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Decent Work & Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure).

3rd Annual Peace of Mind Conference: Family Wellness Virtual Event To Promote Stigma Reduction

Access California Services’ annual Peace of Mind conference serves as a culturally and linguistically sensitive platform to help reduce stigma regarding mental illness and promote access to mental health resources to local, underserved, immigrant, and refugee, Southern California residents. The 2020 Peace of Mind conference will convene virtually over two days, on September 27th and October 4th, 2020, from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. PST. Prominent speakers will share their insights on health and emotional well-being. Event details will be shared on registration. We look forward to having you join us!

3rd Annual Peace of Mind Conference: Family Wellness Virtual Event To Promote Stigma Reduction

Access California Services’ annual Peace of Mind conference serves as a culturally and linguistically sensitive platform to help reduce stigma regarding mental illness and promote access to mental health resources to local, underserved, immigrant, and refugee, Southern California residents. The 2020 Peace of Mind conference will convene virtually over two days, on September 27th and October 4th, 2020, from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. PST. Prominent speakers will share their insights on health and emotional well-being. Event details will be shared on registration. We look forward to having you join us!

The Role of Technology in Achieving the Global Goals

Technology and innovation are central to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. When utilized effectively, technology can be mobilized to identify barriers to solutions for the SDGs on a global and local scale, as well as guide policy design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Join us for a panel discussion on the role of tech in achieving the SDGs.

PMNCH Accountability Breakfast

Join us for a virtual, highly interactive event held during the 2020 UN General Assembly on strengthening accountability for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health and rights during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

The event brings together stakeholders from governments to grass-roots organizations — people with power to make changes and people calling for those changes to be made.

Led by the Rt Hon Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Chair of PMNCH, and moderated by Mercy Juma of BBC, the event presents new data and evidence from the EWEC@10 report, shares voices from the community with the lived experiences of women and girls, and launches the new PMNCH five-year strategy and Call to Action on COVID-19 campaign for women, children and adolescents.

The event features moderated chats and live polling with simultaneous sign language interpretation and French/Spanish translation.
Register and join us to take action for those we refuse to leave behind!

Youth SDG Summit

As the largest youth generation in history, it’s time to step up. The 2030 Agenda clearly applies to all of the world’s 1.2 billion young people, who currently make up 16 per cent of the global population—and to the 1.3 billion young people who will call the world home by the year 2030.

During the 75th anniversary of the United Nations’ General Assembly, we are calling on youth around the world to action to acknowledge the work being done already for the Global Goals, and the work that is still left to be done. We are hosting the Youth SDG Summit to empower young leaders to continue their work toward the Global Goals. The Youth SDG Summit is invitation only.

The theme of day 1 of the Youth SDG Summit is For People.
The theme of day 2 is the Youth SDG Summit is For Planet.

Wiki Loves SDGs Edit-a-thon

Project Everyone is organising a week-long edit-a-thon where volunteers from around the world will come together to create new Wikipedia articles for the Global Goals and improve existing pages. The aim of this is to create a buzz around the Goals, mobilise a global community and democratise knowledge.

Global Impact Forum

Recognizing that global challenges often require local solutions, the inaugural Global Impact Forum will showcase four key initiatives to mobilize corporate action on the Global Goals: SDG Ambition, Young SDG Innovators, Target Gender Equality and Business Ambition for 1.5°C. As a new suite of engagement opportunities, Global Impact Initiatives are designed to mainstream sustainable business practices and scale solutions from the ground up through the efforts of Global Compact Local Networks around the world. The Forum will zoom in on what it takes to implement these initiatives at regional, national and organizational levels. You will hear from governments on their advancements through multi-stakeholder partnerships, from UN and civil society leaders on their vision to scale collective impact, and from business – from executive level to young leaders – on how their actions are leading to meaningful progress towards the achievement of the SDGs. 

Private Sector Forum

Since 2008, the UN Secretary-General’s annual Private Sector Forum has gathered global leaders at the United Nations on the first day of the UN General Assembly week to address major global issues such as climate change, sustainable development and human rights. This year we will mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the International Day of Peace and deliver a Call to Action for business leaders to support the mission of the United Nations.  The Private Sector Forum will provide a platform for CEOs, Governments leaders and UN agency heads to engage in a high-level dialogue; allowing a global private sector and multi stakeholder audience to engage first-hand in the debate and discussions.  Themes for discussion will include multilateralism, peace and justice, human and labour rights. 

American Leadership in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

On Wednesday, September 16, from 1:00-2:30 PM EDT, the Brookings Institution and the UN Foundation will cohost American Leadership in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, a high-level virtual event to showcase the power of the SDGs in the United States.

The devastating health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have exposed and exacerbated stark inequalities and vulnerabilities in the United States. At the same time, protests sparked by the tragic killing of George Floyd have put the spotlight on America’s long history of racial injustice. The commitment to equity, justice, and environmental preservation reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is more critical today than ever – a foundation to respond to these crises and to build a future that leaves no one behind. Building off a successful first gathering last year on the margins of the UN General Assembly, this event will showcase local innovation, leadership, actions, and commitments from all parts of the American society, including cities, businesses, universities, philanthropy, and youth activists. Their leadership is crucial to a recovery that advances equity and sustainability here at home and provides a fundamental basis for U.S. credibility and leadership abroad on the defining issues of our day.

Fifth PRME Northeast Conference

The conference, to be held on Zoom, will be focused on ‘Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Business Education and Practice.’

The Fifth UN PRME Northeast Conference will be hosted virtually and jointly by PRME and PRME Signatory, Rutgers Business School, along with the school’s Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation.

“We the Peoples” – Reimagining global governance on the eve of the UN’s 75th anniversary

The 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations (UN) is not only an occasion for celebration of its achievements, particularly in enshrining human rights norms, but also an opportunity for civil society reflection on how the UN should change to better serve a world that is very different from that of 1945. This event will focus on thinking more boldly, assessing prospects for change and responding to the challenges involved in building a more open, inclusive and democratic UN through a 90-minute live debate with audience participation. The event will have English, French and Spanish translation.

During the course of the event, participants will engage with critical perspectives on the concrete actions needed to strengthen the ability of the UN to advance human rights and social justice through its engagement of civil society and people’s movements and the promotion of civic freedoms.

Global Week to Act4SDGs

Each year millions of people across the world mobilize to take individual and collective action for people and the planet while world leaders meet at the UN General Assembly. The goal is to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the universal plan to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change.

This September is a unique moment when the United Nations General Assembly will convene all world leaders for the first time since the pandemic began. They will mark five years since 193 countries endorsed the Goals, as well as the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.

The 2020 Global Week to Act4SDGs, on September 18-26, is a joint call to action for everyone– leaders, citizens, organizations and institutions- to commit to make this a Turning Point for People and Planet and put the Goals at the heart of their recovery plans, to use the next ten years to deliver all the Sustainable Development Goals, together.