Future of Economics Forum 2024

Future of Economics is a youth-led think tank which, through an interdisciplinary approach to learning and applying economics, fosters multi-stakeholder action towards stable economic growth and a thriving society as a result.

To collectively advance towards long-term prosperity, the Future of Economics Forum hosts research showcases and experimental workshops on eight key areas of economics.

University of Chicago: Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics is a co-host of this forum.

SDG Media Zone

Follow the UN Department of Global Communications flagship SDG Media Zone during UNGA79. Live panel sessions center around advancing the 2030 Agenda and takes the conversation out of the policy sphere and into public discourse through impactful in-depth interviews and dialogues on global issues that matter to people everywhere.

This year’s SDG Media Zone will highlight the tracks of the Summit of the Future, including the new agenda for peace, global governance, financing for development, digital cooperation, and future generations, as well as staple SDG issues. Full programme will be available in September on the website: https://www.un.org/en/sdgmediazone. Stay tuned for conversations that matter!

For a one stop shop to all the high-level events during UNGA, please visit https://www.un.org/en/high-level-week-2024.

Future of Sustainability Forum

We are close to the point of no return. We must educate and empower youth to co-create solutions addressing the world’s most pressing environmental issues.

To celebrate Global Goals Week, the Future of Sustainability Forum will curate an intergenerational “think” and “do” program to drive collective action towards sustainable development.

Yale University of the Environment and Yale School of Management will co-host the in-person event. UNEP will co-host the virtual portion.

Future of Internationalism Forum

Global cooperation requires bringing together diplomats, practitioners, scholars, and youth to explore the evolving demands of diplomatic statecraft.

The Future of Internationalism Forum aims to help youth better understand the nexus of theory and practice, and investigate the future challenges and impact of domestic politics on diplomacy.

Columbia (School of International and Public Affairs) and Georgetown (Walsh School of Foreign Service) will jointly host this Forum.

Future of Culture Forum

Culture enriches our lives in countless ways and helps build diverse, inclusive, and resilient communities. No development can be sustainable without a strong cultural component.

Through a series of project showcases, the Future of Culture Forum explores a human-centric approach to development.

The Forum will be co-organized by the teams at Harvard Culture Lab and UNESCO’s Division of Cultural Policies.

Future of Sciences Forum

As science continues to evolve, leveraging relevant research and technology against the world’s top problems will be the key to success.

The Forum empowers all to recognize what we have in common with each other as the foundation for innovation, through research presentations and showcases.

International Science Council and MIT School of Science will show youth how to turn curiosity into discovery to change the world.

Future of Technology Forum

Technology holds the key to resolving the issues we face in an ever increasingly “polycrisis”. We require a thriving community of young innovators & entrepreneurs who pursues ideas with a passion for world-changing impact.

The Forum will feature speakers addressing societal challenges through research and education at the intersection of technology, business and policy.

MIT College of Computing and Microsoft will co-host the Forum.

Future of Law Forum

For youth, the future of law is human and is focused on innovating legal development, practice and implementation to collectively catalyze broader system change.

We are here to help youth understand the latest industry developments, key market trends, recent technology changes, and paths of success in the law industry.

Stanford Law Scholars Institute and United Nations Peacekeeping will design the programming of this Forum.

Future of Investment Forum

A number of deeply-rooted forces – megatrends – are driving fundamental changes within the investment industry.

Come explore how ongoing changes in the economy, society, and daily life can power growth for people and for planet through a series of presentations and showcases.

The pace and complexity of change is overwhelming and will only increase. Join the Wharton School and Bloomberg Philanthropies to co-design the future of investment.

Future of Equality Forum

To eradicate poverty, we must aspire towards full equality.

This Forum will present evidence-based recommendations for better research, data, and evaluation to support organizations in government, philanthropy, and the community to achieve equality.

Thank you to Stanford Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, UN Women and UNHCR for their thought leadership and research contribution.

ASPIRE 2030 Hackathon 2024

Echoing the six core topics to be presented at Summit of the Future, ASPIRE 2030 will organize its annual global hackathon as an opportunity for youth aged 15 to 24 to co-design and co-construct solutions.

Microsoft Innovation Center and MIT D-Lab will provide the learning tools and methodologies to help youth shape the future they wish to aspire for.

The best way to predict the future is to create it!

Global Goals Challenge 2024

The Global Goals Challenge is call-to-innovation competition which advances Agenda 2030 and promotes long-term sustainable development.

If you are between the ages of 15 – 24, join the Global Goals Challenge and become an entrepreneur by applying science, technology and heart to tackle the world’s most pressing issues.

Stanford University and Mastercard Foundation are patrons and sponsors of the Challenge.

Future of Engineers Forum

To advance the world’s most pressing problems, one must bridge disciplines and put science and technology to use in solving critical societal challenges.

Future of Engineers serves as a hub by connecting youth and other stakeholders in engineering multi-faceted solutions which will be showcased in this Forum.

Princeton University and Siemens Global will support with research and resources to help future generations build the skills and confidence required to engineer change.

Future of Influence Forum

With influence comes responsibility, and collaborative action across sectors could help solve society’s most complex challenges.

The path to becoming an effective change agent is often circular, not linear: when a cycle ends, a new one begins. In this respect, Future of Influence empowers youth to embark on a never-ending journey of learning.

Join experts from the Rockefeller Foundation and Ogilvy and learn how best to harness our limited resources for maximum impact and influence.

ACTIVATING SDG 5- Bridging the Gap between Women’s Health and Women’s Economic Empowerment

As World leaders come together in the 79th UNGA to discuss on the theme “Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations” and with the upcoming Summit of the Future, one key conversation to be prioritized is on accelerating access towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goal 5. This is based on the fact that SDG 5 is still a long way from fulfillment, especially in developing countries.

AMP It Up! Join the Kids Against Micro Plastics Movement!

Microplastics have been found in the land, sea and air, across the food chain and throughout the human body.

It’s still unclear what the environmental and health impacts of microplastics could be, but recent studies point to the possibility that they can increase the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

How can we live a plastic-free lifestyle – for both people and planet? Hear from experts who will share their latest research and innovation.