Forum of the Future: Future of Sciences

As science continues to evolve, leveraging technology against the world’s top problems will be the key to success. As a youth-led think tank, Future of Sciences focuses on science and the people it most directly affects.

The Forum empowers all to recognize what we have in common with each other as the foundation for innovation, through research presentations and showcases.

Forum of the Future: Future of Sustainability

We are close to the point of no return. Forum of the Future is a youth-led think tank for co-creating solutions addressing the world’s most pressing environmental issues.

To celebrate Global Goals Week, the Future of Sustainability forum will curate an intergenerational “think” and “do” programming to drive collective action towards sustainable development. Let us restore our Earth’s vitality together.

Forum of the Future: Future of Engineers

To advance Global Goals, one must bridge disciplines and put science and technology to use in solving critical societal challenges. Future of Engineers serves as a hub by connecting youth and other stakeholders in engineering multi-faceted solutions which will be showcased in this Forum. The aim is to give future generations the skills and confidence to tackle the incredibly challenging problems facing humanity.

Forum of the Future: Future of Internationalism

Global cooperation requires bringing together diplomats, practitioners, scholars, and students to explore global challenges and the evolving demands of diplomatic statecraft.

The Future of Internationalism Forum aims to help youth better understand the nexus of theory and practice. Through surveys, presentations, and networking sessions, this event seeks to look beyond the issues of the day and explore the future challenges and impact of domestic politics on diplomacy.

Forum of the Future: Future of Investment

A number of deeply-rooted forces – megatrends – are driving fundamental changes within the investment industry.

Join Future of Investment Forum to explore how ongoing changes in the economy, society, and daily life can power growth for people and for planet through a series of presentations, showcases, and panels.

The pace and complexity of change is overwhelming and will only increase – let us work and collaborate to further investment for good.

Forum of the Future: Future of Technology

Technology holds the key to resolving the issues we face in an ever increasingly “polycrisis”.

As a global think tank, Future of Technology provides a home for a thriving community of young innovators & entrepreneurs, supporting all who pursue ideas with a passion for world-changing impact.

The Forum will feature speakers addressing societal challenges through research and education at the intersection of technology, business and policy.

Science Storytelling for the SDGs

An evening of storytelling from researchers working at the forefront of SDGs 5, 7 and 10, brought together by Springer Nature and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) for the UN Science Summit.

Forum of the Future: Future of Culture

Culture enriches our lives in countless ways and helps build diverse, inclusive, and resilient communities. No development can be sustainable without a strong cultural component. Through a series of project showcases, the Future of Culture forum explores a human-centered approach to development. Let us rebuild based on mutual respect and open dialogue among cultures to create lasting peace and equity.

Forum of the Future: Future of Law

For youth, the future of law is human and is focused on innovating legal development, practice, and implementation to collectively catalyze broader system change. This think tank was formed to help youth understand the latest industry developments, key market trends, recent technology changes, and how to succeed in the law industry. Initiatives promoting intergenerational dialogue and action in this area will be featured at this forum.

Forum of the Future: Future of Equality

To eradicate poverty, we must aspire towards full equality. As a youth-led think tank, Future of Equality actively evaluates and develops impact initiatives and public policy proposals relevant to addressing, preventing, and understanding poverty and inequality. This forum will present evidence-based recommendations for better research, data, and evaluation to support organizations in government, philanthropy, and the community to achieve equality.

International Day of Peace Youth Observance

The United Nations commemorates this year’s International Day of Peace Youth Observation as a hybrid event. Participants will interact with young leaders and activists to inspire youth involvement in creating a more peaceful world. This year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action that recognizes our responsibility to foster peace by contributing to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Watch the event on UN Web TV.


En este día, conmemoramos el inicio de la Semana Global de #AcciónXODS demandando a los gobiernos del mundo y a todos los sectores un #2030NoNegociable, donde nos movilizamos para exigir la adopción acelerada de una propuesta de Estímulo de los ODS, bajo tres ámbitos de acción: un aumento masivo de la financiación para el desarrollo; una nueva iniciativa para aliviar las deudas de los países más pobres; y la ampliación de la financiación de contingencia para todos las países que la necesiten.


En este día, enlazando dos ODS fundamentales para esta transformación, buscamos que personas y organizaciones se movilicen por la #ProsperidadPlanetaria. Un aspecto crucial de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, los ODS y el Acuerdo de París, es promover la coherencia y el cumplimiento del ordenamiento territorial sostenible, la implementación de estrategias regionales, nacionales y locales de reducción del riesgo de desastres y ser  resilientes a los efectos del cambio climático.


El agua produce energía necesaria para el desarrollo de los países, sobre todo para los más pobres. El uso del agua potable y saneamiento mejoran las condiciones no sólo de la vida de las personas, sino también el crecimiento económico de los países y el desarrollo industrial. El agua es un factor clave en la lucha contra el cambio climático a través de la gestión sostenible y la conservación de ecosistemas hídricos naturales.


Para reducir la desigualdad, es necesario distribuir equitativamente los recursos, invertir en la enseñanza y el desarrollo de capacidades, implementar medidas de protección social, luchar contra la discriminación, apoyar a los grupos marginados y fomentar la cooperación internacional para un comercio y sistemas financieros justos. Por ello, exigimos en el marco de este día una #IgualdadAhora para todas las personas, pero particularmente para las mujeres y los desafíos que éstas enfrentan.


Para combatir el hambre en el 2030, es necesaria la adopción de medidas coordinadas y urgentes, así como la implementación de soluciones innovadores a través de la tecnología que atiendan la desigualdad, transformen nuestros sistemas alimentarios, inviertan en prácticas agrícolas sostenibles, y apelen a la reducción y mitigación de los conflictos, mientras que atendemos la crisis climática. Debemos ser capaces de #InnovarParaLaAlimentación.


Es imprescindible comprender y actuar sobre el hecho de que la pérdida de nuestros ecosistemas, tiene una intrínseca relación con el aumento en la pobreza. La creciente tendencia a la pérdida de bosques, degradación de los suelos y la extinción de especies suponen una grave amenaza tanto para el planeta como para las personas.


Los ecosistemas de nuestro planeta están en peligro y sus mayores efectos se observan en los oceánicos y terrestres. Nuestros océanos, el mayor ecosistema del mundo, están en grave peligro a raíz de la contaminación por plásticos, sobrepesca, acidificación, calentamiento y eutrofización. Tan sólo en 2021, más de 17 millones de toneladas de plásticos se vertieron en los océanos, y se prevé que esta cifra se triplique para 2040. Por ello este día busca que a toda costa optemos por #PreservarLaVida.

PROVOKE JOY (SDG 0) – Ultimate Goal of Agenda 2030

SDG 0 represents the notion that joy should be at the center of how we approach solving global issues like food system transformation rather than starting from a place of fear or despair. PROVOKE JOY invites you to join the discussion that promises to redefine the narrative around progress and infuse it with an element that has long been overlooked – JOY (Sustainable Development Goal 0).

Global Goals Challenge

The Global Goals Challenge is call-to-innovation competition which advances Agenda 2030 and promotes long-term sustainable development. Through the Challenge, a statement that there are entrepreneurial and socially-driven young minds committed to the undertaking of improving the state of the world is sent. If you are between the ages of 15 – 24, join the Global Goals Challenge and become an entrepreneur by applying science, technology, and heart to tackle the world’s most pressing issues.