Community Advocacy & Action Project (CAAP)

Community Advocacy & Action Project (CAAP) is an evidence-based project designed by iLEAD AFRICA under their Be The Change initiative. It is a project that promotes citizen participation in governance by building the capacity of people in rural and urban marginalized communities to hold their government accountable, especially to the provision of necessary social amenities like healthcare, education, water, sanitation, road maintenance, and the environment.

This project runs from September 17 through December 17.

Voting & the SDGs; Be the Change #2022

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, join Accountable Impact and Florida International University Maurice A. Ferré Institute for Civic Leadership for a lively conversation on issue-based voter education, voting rights and voter registration.

This event aims to activate the UN SDGs as a civic engagement and leadership tool for Latinos and other communities of color in Miami.

Human Rights, Migration & the 2030 Agenda

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, join Accountable Impact and Lynn University’s Social Impact & Innovation Lab for an insightful and important discussion that brings together speakers from the South Florida SDGs Consortium to discuss human rights and migration in Latin America in relation to the 2030 Agenda.

Latino Entrepreneurship: Championing Sustainable Business Models

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month & elevating Latino social entrepreneurs advancing the SDGs in Miami.

Join Accountable Impact and the Miami Dade College Office of Changemaking Education and Social Innovation for a lively and inspirational conversation on how Latinos in Miami are championing sustainability through innovative entrepreneurship models and businesses.

IV Simposio Sobre Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

El simposio sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) es un espacio académico para el intercambio de ideas, investigaciones y proyectos orientados a ODS con el objetivo de crear conciencia, promover la acción y acelerar la contribución de las instituciones, las organizaciones privadas y los gobiernos al logro de la Agenda 2030.

Health Financing and Gender Equality

This event aims to raise awareness of the critical issues affecting the health and wellbeing of women, children, and adolescents in light of the pandemic, address the exacerbated health financing challenges for programs targeting these populations, and explore lessons learned and best practices for health program adaptations and alternative health financing models to reclaim hard-won gains in the provision of essential health services for women, children, and adolescents.

CFA Society New York 3rd Climate and ESG Asset Owner Summit

The systematic integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment strategies, and investment decision making across asset classes, has exploded. Asset owners around the world were early adopters of sustainable investment commitments, taking leadership roles—in their capacity as fiduciaries—to advocate for the achievement of long term, sustainable, risk-adjusted returns, consistent with their fiduciary duty.

The event will focus on the status of sustainable investing among asset owners by featuring addresses and panel discussions led and informed by asset owner representatives from around the world.

Devex @ UNGA 77

Heads of state, policymakers, business and civil society leaders, activists, and philanthropists will all converge in New York City for UNGA 77, along with the traditional flurry of side events and meetings to determine how we can collectively get back on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

Over two days, Devex will convene those at the center of these conversations for a series of interviews and workshops that ask the tough questions and dig into opportunities for progress.

Climate Changemakers: Digital Innovation for Youth Climate Action

This event serves as a space to spotlight the unique and innovative ways for youth-led creativity and entrepreneurship to spur local and global change and to highlight the enabling role of digital innovation with initiatives like DigitalArt4Climate. The event is a joint initiative of the Climate Changemaker initiative, a program of UNEP supported by the Government of Lanzarote (Spain), IAAI GloCha, the Turkish Municipalities of Balikesir and Uskudar, and UN-Habitat.

Strengthening systems for safer childbirth through locally-led solutions

Join us for an in-person event on the sidelines of UNGA 77 where Devex, in partnership with MSD for Mothers, will explore ways in which the Strengthening Systems for Safer Childbirth initiative will support local coalitions of NGOs, civil society, and social enterprises to implement solutions in their specific geographies.

Save your spot to join us in person and be a part of bridging the funding gap affecting reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health services.

The Global Food Crisis, a Global Protection Crisis: its Impact on Refugees, Internally Displaced People and Host Communities

Ahead of UNGA77 High-Level Week, this event will focus on the global food crisis and its impact on refugees, internally displaced people and host communities. The event will be convened by UNHCR and WFP, sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations, and will include remarks by representatives from several Permanent Missions and representatives of the IFRC, IOM and FAO, amongst others.

New Partnerships to Unlock A More Sustainable Future

Please join the United Nations Foundation, APCO Worldwide and leaders representing the private and public sectors, philanthropy, civil society, multilateral organizations and next generation of change-makers, to catalyze cross-sectoral collaboration to address today’s pressing challenges. This breakfast program will build further on the momentum of the UN General Assembly High-Level Week, Unlock the Future of Learning Festival and Transforming Education Summit and help inform partnership opportunities and contribute to critical processes in the lead-up to the Summit of the Future in 2023.

Tech for Democracy: Problems, Progress and the Copenhagen Pledge

This gathering will bring together senior leaders from across geographies and stakeholder groups based on their support for the Copenhagen Pledge on Tech for Democracy, launched by the Danish government last year.

The event will feature opening remarks by Microsoft President and Vice Chair Brad Smith followed by a keynote address from the Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs Jeppe Kofod. Subsequent panel discussions will feature leaders from government, industry and civil society exploring how digital technology can continue to be a force for improving lives and strengthening societies around the world in an inclusive manner. The event will culminate in the debut of a new Al art exhibit demonstrating how technology can empower human creativity.

The Amazon as a Bioeconomy Superpower: Investing in Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development

The aim of this session is to create awareness of the potential for a bioeconomy of standing forests and flowing rivers in the Amazon, leveraged by investments in science, technology, and innovation as called for in SDG 9.

The Amazon Basin is one of the world’s most biologically diverse areas, home to >10% of the world’s described species. Yet, the region is under threat; approximately 17% of the basin has been deforested, and an additional 17% of the biome has been degraded. Deforestation contributes to climate change and places the region in danger of crossing a tipping point beyond which today’s forests can no longer exist.

The Amazon We Want: Science Based Pathways for a Sustainable, Inclusive, and Resilient Amazon

In light of the UNGA 77 focus of “International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development”, the Science Panel for the Amazon will gather to cover the state of the Amazon since the launch of the landmark Amazon Assessment Report at COP26, what is at stake with the loss of the Amazon, and the solutions offered in the report that can catalyze sustainable development in the region and beyond. This event will make a case to mobilize policymakers, practitioners, and researchers into action using the many solutions offered in the Amazon Assessment Report.

Global Goals Week: Liverpool 2022

Global Goals Week: Liverpool is a week of local events, launches and coordinated support for international themes based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals whilst recognising the different challenges and opportunities in and around our home city. In addition to events and project announcements, 2030hub launches a call to action to all organisations across Liverpool City Region to share their own sustainability stories and successes.

#PoweringJobs Census 2022: Focus on India

Power for All, the global initiative to end energy poverty, will release its second Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) jobs India report on September 27. The industry’s most comprehensive employment research shows that increased demand for DRE solutions continues to create thousands of formal and informal jobs in the sector. It is becoming a major employment engine, especially for remote areas in emerging and developing economies where poverty and unemployment levels are high.

Climate Week NYC: Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony launches Climate Week NYC each year. This is a chance for heads of state, government officials, CEOs and civil society leaders, to share their global outlook on climate change and action.

This year, we’re back in person in New York, and we’re putting climate in context of today’s world. We’ll explore the connected challenges of global security and climate. We’ll ask what’s stopping us from getting it done and how we create a more equitable economy.

Climate Week NYC: Climate Leaders’ Reception

We’re inviting senior leaders from business, government and civil society to gather in-person for an evening at a high level venue, to celebrate climate action and debate how to deliver the next steps. We believe our network is greater than the sum of its parts and that only by coming together can we accelerate the transition to a green economy at the speed required.

The Reception is attended by an invited audience of leaders from business, government, and the climate sector. Places are limited and subject to approval. There is no fee for approved attendees.

Climate Week NYC: The Hub Live

We’re gathering over 1,000 international decision makers and leaders from business, policy and civil society to drive climate action, fast. Taking place in New York City across two days, this year’s The Hub Live is in person, under one roof.

Across the two days you’re invited to join a variety of networking and interactive sessions; from open discussions and debates to closed door roundtables, collaborative workshops and networking receptions.